My coworker passed this post onto me. I thought it was well done and useful. I often find myself in the position of defending the existence and funding of libraries. So many people feel that with the current and ongoing evolution of the internet, libraries are irrelevant. The post gives 10 reasons why we are important – even necessary – to a healthy community.
This post is from the Jackson County Library System blog. In case you haven't heard, this is the system in Oregon that will be shut down indefinitely in April due to lack of funding. The idea that a large library system, with 15 branches, could be forced to close is sad and sobering. Their funding issues are involved, but this is a good slap in the face as to the reality of things…libraries are not constants. We (those of us who are in the profession) have to be passionate. We have to fight. If we aren't and we won't, how can we expect our patrons to feel any differently?