The Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) is located in the Executive Branch of state government and is governed by the Board of Library Commissioners, which is appointed by the governor.

The Board of Library Commissioners

The Board of Library Commissioners has responsibility for all policies, rules, and personnel actions related to the Commission. The Management Team, with input from Commission staff, prepares a budget that is reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Commissioners. The Commission’s budget is submitted to the Division of Financial Management (the governor’s budget office) and the Legislative Budget Office. Because the Commission is an executive agency, the governor includes our budget request, usually in an amended form, in his budget recommendations to the Legislature. The Legislature has final fiscal authority and sets the budget under which the Commission will operate in the next fiscal year. The Board of Library Commissioners can seek funds from sources other than the state’s general account, for example the federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) or the Idaho Council for the Humanities, but even then, the Legislature has the final say in granting spending authority for all funds administered by the Board of Library Commissioners. Board meetings are open to the public. Agendas are posted in public areas prior to each meeting.

The State Librarian

By statute, the Board of Library Commissioners appoints the state librarian, who must be a graduate of a library school accredited by the American Library Association. The state librarian serves at the pleasure of the Board of Library Commissioners. The state librarian is charged with implementing the Board’s policies and rules including the day-to-day operation of the Commission.