ICfL staff members have had their eyes out for relevant stories, tools, and tricks so you don’t have to. Enjoy!
- The Programming Librarian’s calendar lists national monthly/ weekly celebrations, observances, and library related conferences and book festivals.
- Calendar of Social Engagement Opportunities from the National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults (engAGED)
- Stephen T. Riedner Grant for Life Enhancing Library Programs for People Living with Dementia – $2,500 each to two libraries to support the creation of new services and/or new programming to directly serve those living with dementia. Deadline to apply is February 21, 2025. See their website for details about eligibility, application evaluation, and past winners.
- McCall Public Library hosted a Drum Circle open to all ages and abilities
- Salmon Public Library shared a great story about a patron using their 3D printers to make a prosthetic after a work injury.
- Moscow Public Library is hosting “End of Life Planning” with a retired medical doctor.
- Many libraries in the state let their communities know they were taking a break from programming around the winter holidays. Good on you for taking the time to rest and recharge!
Professional development
- Webinar – Join librarians and information workers as staff from San Francisco Public Library discuss their grant funded work with incarcerated people and people in the process of reentry. Multiple sessions available at 11 am MT/ 10 am PT over coming months:
- Friday January 10, 2025
- Friday March 14, 2025
- Friday May 9, 2025
- Video – “Discussing the Future with Aging Parents” shares tools and resources about end of life planning, including a guide from the conversation project
- Webinar – “One Library’s Mission to Provide Its Senior Community with Social Engagement and Emotional Connectedness” January 8th at 12 p.m., ALA Member Price: $71.10 and Non-Member Price: $79.00.
- Behavioral health rack cards – C-WHO is a network of behavioral health navigators and licensed clinicians. Through their Greater Rural Idaho Telehealth Team Expansion (GRITTE) project, they aim to expand access to services and treatment resources in rural and under-served communities across Idaho. They know libraries can be a valuable partner in this work! To help get the word out, they have shared 3 Behavioral Health Rack Cards that address barriers they have identified to accessing behavioral healthcare: transportation, childcare, and the ability to leave individuals they are caring for. Cards are available in English and Spanish. Contact Jake Wilson, JakeW@c-who.org, Chief Operating Officer at C-WHO with questions or to request printed copies.
- Article – “Rx for Community Wellness: How social prescribing can empower libraries to boost public health” from the Public Library Association
- Article – “Let’s Climb Out of the Generation Trap” from next avenue
- Video – “Jane Fonda with a secret of aging well” is a short 4-minute video on shifting our thinking about aging
- Video – “Don’t click it” consumer protection campaign from the Idaho Attorney General’s office