ICfL staff members have had their eyes out for relevant stories, tools, and tricks so you don’t have to. Enjoy!



  • Creative Aging Grants – COMING SOON! Details will be announced on the LibIdaho Listserv in November. Stay tuned!
  • Subgrant programs for the Digital Access for All Idahoans Plan will open on November, 4th.  We have three different grant opportunities to expand digital access in your community! Applicants can apply to multiple programs.

    Questions? Contact Digital Inclusion Consultant Chelsea Summerlin at chelsea.summerlin@libraries.idaho.gov, or (208) 639-4175, or Grants Officer Jamie Thill at Jamie.thill@libraries.idaho.gov, (208) 639-4153.

  • Welcoming Libraries Grant – Create an outreach plan and conduct outreach services (programs, partnering, and information sharing) to strategically identified underserved groups of children or adults to meet unmet needs in your community. (*Note: Outreach activity is the only allowable grant activity that can serve adults as well as children). Contact Kristina Taylor, kristina.taylor@libraries.idaho.gov, with questions. Deadline is November 8th.


Professional development
