08. Additional Topics

Common Core: Or, How Can We Help Students?

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative from 2010 that details what K–12 students throughout the United...

Community Building: Or, How Do I Find a Good Partner?

There is no widely accepted definition of community engagement and the meaning can vary in different contexts. The following are...

Continuing Education: Or, How Do I Learn More?

Continuing Education (CE) is formal instruction for those who wish to keep up with changes and innovations in the library...

Grant Writing: Or, Where’s the Money?

Funds received from a private foundation (such as the Council on Library and Information Resources) or government-sponsored organization (such as...

Idaho Commission for Libraries: Or, Your Friends in Boise!

When you run into a question you just can’t answer by yourself, there are resources available to you. The mission...

Leadership: Or, Me? A Leader?

Leadership is a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in...

Marketing: Or, What Is My Message?

Marketing refers to activities your library plans and delivers to promote the buying of a product, a service, or a...

Volunteers: Or, Who Can Help?

Volunteers in your library can be a great asset. Or they can feel like just more work and responsibility. How...

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