Transition Notebook

Why Make a Transition Notebook?

If your library director were to depart or become incapacitated with little or no warning, how would the new (or...

Local Policies

This section is for your library’s job descriptions; vision, mission, and core value statements; policies; board bylaws; strategic plan; other...

Your Library Board

This section is for information regarding your library trustees, including who they are, how to contact them, their terms of...

Library Law and Intellectual Freedom

This section is for the foundational (intellectual freedom) documents of libraries, library elections, Idaho’s Open Meeting Law and its requirements,...

Community Partners

This section is for information on your library’s community partners, contracts or memoranda of understanding with its partners, consortia memberships,...

Web Presence: Connecting the Library to the World

This section is for information on your library’s website, social media accounts, online public access catalog (OPAC), library terminology and...

Serving the Underserved

This section is for information on Idaho’s Talking Book Service (TBS), braille materials, access and signage for everyone, and agencies...

Continuing Education

This section is for information pertaining to your library’s access to continuing education and grant resources, communicating with Idaho’s library...

Early Literacy

This section is for information regarding your library’s early literacy programs and Summer Reading Program (SRP) deadlines. 40 Kristina Taylor,...

Daily Operations, Procedures, and Collection Development and Maintenance

This section is for your library’s procedures for day-to-day operations, reporting on its collections, and performing interlibrary loan42 (ILL) functions....


This section is for information about your library’s periodic and special reports, including the legally mandated annual report to the...

Fiscal, Gifts, and Grants

This section is for information on your library’s grant sources and grant paperwork; your library’s endowments, legacies, and trusts; and...

The Library Building

This section is for information on your library’s utility shutoffs, building issues, tradesmen and professionals who provide services to the...

History of the Libary

This section is for your library’s historical information and additional sources of historical information.
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