Summer Intern Grant

In an effort to build the capacity of a diverse, skilled workforce for the library community, the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) will provide grants of $1,500 to up to 10 libraries to support an intern for the summer of 2024. With this grant, the library, the intern, and the intern’s mentor will collaborate on a project or set of goals and expose the intern to working in a library for several weeks in the summer.

The library should practice inclusive recruitment techniques to promote and encourage diversity in its intern selection. Diversity can encompass a wide range of characteristics within any community. For example: economic and income differences; racial and ethnic groups; gender and sexual orientation; primary language spoken at home; disability status and neurodiversity; among other factors.

Libraries are welcome to consider and implement internships with a virtual component that allows the intern to complete some or all of their work remotely.

Grants were awarded in March 2024! This program is not anticipated to continue for summer 2025.

  1. Expand and enhance the future library workforce in the community by exposing interns to career opportunities within the field and providing hands-on training.
  2. Build the institutional capacity of libraries by giving library staff the opportunity to develop and practice leadership/mentorship skills.
  3. Expand the role libraries play in workforce development in their communities by supporting and developing the workplace skills of young people or people seeking to change careers.

Public and special libraries (including tribal) in Idaho are eligible to apply for this grant (one award per library legal entity).

Successful applicants will be expected to meet the following requirements and expectations:

  • The library agrees to hire an intern in high school, a post-secondary program (such as college or technical training), or seeking to develop new skills or competencies for the purpose of changing careers. Hiring must be in compliance with Idaho labor laws, including minimum age requirements.
  • The library must use, to the best of its ability and resources, inclusive recruitment techniques that encourage a diversity of applicants.
  • The library must use grant funds to provide a stipend or hourly wages for each intern. Monies may be used to cover standard recruitment and payroll expenses associated with the internship. Funds may not be used on general project expenses, food or capital projects.
  • The library must record and report the total hours worked for each intern and must provide an itemized expense and/or payroll report with the final grant report.
  • The library must provide at least one experienced staff member to serve as the intern’s mentor and must create a plan for a meaningful mentorship experience, including goals and objectives for the internship.
  • The library is strongly encouraged to attend a grant orientation webinar with the ICfL in mid-April to review grant requirements and go over times for a successful internship program.

In addition to the requirements above, the ICfL strongly recommends that participating libraries incorporate the following elements into their internship program:

  • The work assigned to the intern should be of sufficient quality and relevance to allow the intern to develop new skills and abilities. Where possible, the internship should include completion of a project that allows the intern take ownership of their work.
  • The mentor(s) assigned to the intern should have an interest in developing their own leadership skills and must have the time and capacity to provide guidance and direction to the intern.
  • In creating their mentorship plan, the intern and their mentor should review the intern’s goals and needs, create clear expectations for the project, and check in regularly on progress. The library might consider having the intern complete a brief self-evaluation at the beginning, middle, and conclusion of the internship.
  • Libraries that choose to incorporate a virtual/remote component to their internship should take special care to set clear expectations and create a plan for communication and supervision for work that is done remotely.
  • The internship should include opportunities to learn about library science, program development, community outreach, or other topics relevant to library work.

For grantees selected to receive an award, this grant application will also serve as a contract/grant agreement.  By submitting this application, you affirm you have the authority to successfully execute and deliver on all grant requirements.

By applying for this grant, the Library agrees to comply with the federally mandated assurances enumerated in the Civil Rights Certificate, Debarment/Suspension Certificate, Lobbying Certificate, Uniform Grant Guidance 2 CFR Part 200 -Subpart E, and are compliant with the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ LSTA eligibility requirements, as they relate to the acceptance and use of funds for this federally-assisted project, including but not limited to, the Library Services and Technology Act and governing regulations.

This program is brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Applications are scored using the points indicated alongside each question in the grant application. The ranking committee may also take into consideration the geographical distribution of grantees across the state.

Successful applications will (1) directly answer the questions being asked, (2) provide specific information the responses, (3) demonstrate a well-conceived plan of action, and (4) address the desired outcomes for the grant as listed above.

Supporting documentation will also be taken into consideration but is not required. Examples include an intern self-evaluation form, a draft intern interview script, or resume of proposed mentor.

Below is a general timeline for the Summer Intern grant which applicants may find helpful

  • February 5, 2024 – Grant Application and Report Questions Released
  • March 5, 2024 – Applications due to ICfL
  • March 25, 2024 – Applicants notified of award decisions and funding released.
  • Mid April – Orientation meeting with grant recipients (library staff): Tips and tricks for a successful internship & mentorship, review grant logistics and administrative information.
  • April through June– Libraries conduct interviews and hire interns.
  • July 17, 2024 – Interim report due
  • September 1, 2024 – Final report and expenditure documentation due.  

Online application opens Feb 5, 2024

  1. The online application must be completed in one sitting and cannot be saved for completion at a later time. We suggest reviewing the questions and drafting responses in a separate document prior to completing the online form.  (The full set of application questions can be viewed in the form prior to completing the application).
  2. Application must be signed and submitted with electronic signatures.
  3. Application must be submitted on or before March5, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

If you have questions about the grant application or the application process, please contact Amelia Valasek, Partnerships and Programs Supervisor, at or (208) 639-4138 or Grants/Contracts Officer Talela Florko at or (208) 639-4164.

The following list of resources has been curated with the intention of supporting our Summer Intern libraries as they develop and carry out their internships:  

  • ALA Inclusive Internship Initiative – Includes a link to ALA’s Inclusive Internship Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Teen Internships (link toward bottom of the page)
  • Internship Best Practices for employers (You may also consider exploring the full Chegg Internships website, which has a lot of related information) 
  • Internship Toolkit for employers (download PDF under “Related Content” in the left-hand column) 

Tips for Interns (links to YouTube Videos) 

Grant awardees will complete an interim report on or before July 17, 2024. 


Grant awardees will complete their final report on or before September 1, 2024. 

Please note: the intern and any library staff directly involved in supervising the intern will need to answer some standard evaluation questions in order for the library to complete its final report. These questions are listed below. Please make sure that you obtain your intern’s responses to these questions before they depart at the end of the summer!

We have created a printable version of the survey for libraries who might find it helpful in collecting this data from interns and staff.

I learned something by participating in the Summer Intern program at the library Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable OR Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel more confident about what I learned (i.e. workplace skills, leadership skills, employment skills, etc) Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable OR Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I intend to apply what I just learned (i.e. I will continue to use and grow these skills) Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable OR Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Applying what I learned will help improve library services to the public. Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable OR Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you have any questions about this program or your application please contact Jennifer Redford, Youth Services Consultant,, (208) 639-4147, or Grants/Contracts Officer Jamie Thill at, (208) 639-4153.

This program is brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.