The Idaho Career & Technical Education (ICTE) will be soliciting applications for federal grants for the purpose of providing adult education and literacy activities.

Any entity with demonstrated effectiveness in providing adult education and literacy activities may apply, including: libraries, local education agencies, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, volunteer literacy organizations, institutions of higher education, public or private nonprofit agencies; and/or a consortium of such entities; and/or a partnership between an employer and such an entity.

The grants will be awarded under three funding streams:

1.  Regional Adult Education and Literacy Programs — funds must be utilized on a region-wide basis. One entity or consortium per region will be awarded.

2.  Adult Education for Incarcerated Individuals

3.  Integrated English Language and Civics Instruction — funds from this grant must meet regulatory requirements as outlined in 34 CFR 463.38. Please contact the ICTE for further details.

As post-secondary institutions are the typical respondents for these grants, your library could partner with your local college or university in the grant request, for example. There are also opportunities for a library or other organization to join with another group or agency to form a consortium and apply for a grant.

Even if you do not apply for a grant, your library staff can help get the word out to your community about the opportunity.

Application materials will be available February 1, 2017 and are due by March 15, 2017 (5 p.m. MT).

To apply, visit: or contact Amelia Valasek, State Coordinator for Adult Education, at or at (208) 429-5541. Also, if you have questions and/or need further information, please contact Amelia Valasek.

These grants are authorized under Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (also known as the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act).

Whether you are interested in applying for one of these grants, or would like to help inform your community about these funding opportunities, please visit for more information.