
Libraries are foundational to out-of-school learning. The ICfL has curated a set of resources to help you address unfinished learning in your community. Learn more and request resources below.

Make Out-of-School Learning Count

Use materials and handouts from the ICfL to enhance your programs and services for youth in grades K – 12.


Request resources for out-of-school and summer learning

OST Kits

Request kits to facilitate learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

Summer Learning Kits

Take your summer programs to the next level with Summer Learning Kits.

Building Blocks for Quality OST

Request a physical copy of the Idaho Out-of-School Network’s Building Blocks for Quality Out-of-School Time Workbook.

OST Support Materials

Request printed materials focused on out-of-school time to share with your community.

Summer Support Materials

Request printed materials focused on summer learning to share with your community.

Do you have questions about support materials that are part of the ARP-ESSER grant? Do you have suggestions or feedback on current or future materials? Contact Jennifer Redford:

Jennifer Redford

Jennifer Redford

Youth Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4147
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