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LITT: Teens – Summer Check In

During the Summer Learning workshops earlier this year, library staff from around the state discussed how to engage teens during the summer. Now that Summer has officially started, let’s talk [...]

LITT: Adult Services

Did you miss the Creative Aging Convening? Not to worry! Staff from ICfL, the Idaho Commission for the Arts, and participating libraries will give an overview of the convening and [...]

LITT: Digital Resources

Share your favorite LiLI resources and discover two hidden gems on Consumer Health Complete & Gale eBooks. Chat with and learn from library folks around the state in this [...]

LITT: Marketing – AI and Library Marketing

Join this virtual discussion on using Artificial Intelligence to streamline library marketing strategies. We will talk automated content generation and other ways to use AI to engage your community. Those [...]

OCLC Cataloging & WorldCat Training

During this virtual training, Susan Gustaveson from OCLC will delve into the cataloging and WorldCat tools available to Idaho libraries participating in ShareIdaho, the Idaho Commission for Libraries' group contract [...]

Canceled OCLC Interlibrary Loan Training

During this virtual training, Tricia Bengel from OCLC will delve into the Interlibrary Loan tools available to Idaho libraries participating in ShareIdaho, the Idaho Commission for Libraries' group contract with [...]

Early Learning LITT Discussion

Join us to talk about early learning in Idaho libraries. For the August 15 chat we want to hear about the programs, events, and/or services you offered over the summer [...]

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