What’s new with BTOP? |
Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant ends in December 2012. But, Idahoans will continue to reap the benefits from this project as the Commission intensifies efforts to foster digital literacy by building library users’ Internet and computer skills, helping them use available online resources, and educating them in the safe and ethical use of technology.
Cyber bullying: Let’s stop it! |
Bullies are everywhere—even online. And bullying in any form should be taken seriously. In a recent survey on Cyberbullying conducted for Microsoft Corporation and published in the September issue of Teaching and Learning Magazine, youths ages 8-17 provided some interesting statistical information regarding Cyberbullying:
College and Career Ready Summit resources |
Librarians and other stakeholders from around the state networked during the “College & Career Ready Summit: Moving Idaho Forward” hosted by Idaho Commission for Libraries August 16-17, 2012. The summit was an opportunity for committed participants to share an expanded vision of how to prepare Idaho students with 21st Century skills; raise awareness of available online resources; and develop next steps for leveraging each agency’s resources to build healthy, inclusive communities.
Library news from around state |
Find out what's been happening in Idaho libraries. Have news about your library you’d like to share in an upcoming Nexus e-newsletter? Please let Teresa Lipus know at teresa.lipus@libraries.idaho.gov
New faces at ICfL |
 ICfL welcomes new grants officer and VISTA volunteer.
Routes to Reading grant |
The Idaho Commission for Libraries received a $250,000 National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to promote early learning among low-income children.
Using technology integration to support learning |
With the recent adoption of the new Idaho Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and with research and media skills embedded into the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, it is apparent that technology plays a vital supporting role in Idaho education.
Letters About Literature contest |
Letters About Literature (LAL), a national reading and writing promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, invites readers in grades 4–10 to enter the 21st Annual LAL letter writing competition. The contest challenges young readers to write a personal letter to an author explaining how that author’s work changed the readers’ view of their world.
ILA conference and awards |
The 2012 Idaho Library Association (ILA) Annual Conference, Everywhere You Want to Be, offered a little something for everyone, with workshops, business meetings, panels, and presentations.
ICfL Board tours libraries |
The Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) Board of Commissioners visited public and school libraries in southwest Idaho last week on their annual fall library tour. The board, which is designated as the policymaking body for ICfL, visits libraries in a different area of the state each year.
Get Territorial |
March 4, 2013 is the official day of the Idaho Territorial Sesquicentennial. The sesquicentennial, “Idaho at 150,” will illuminate our state’s future by helping people of all ages explore the territorial roots and history.