Online IdentitiesRuth’s sobering post (SPOKEO or SPOOKEO?) about the dangers of online transparency got me thinking. (Well, first I actually took those adult diapers off of my wishlist. Just kidding.) A lot of the people I talk with are worried about what the Internet has to say about them. Because it’s all out there for everyone to see, it is a little spooky to suddenly discover that your friends (and enemies) can "stalk" you online.

Fortunately, one of my favorite websites,, was thinking about this too and ran a feature called "Manage Your Online Reputation". Here’s the intro:

Are you happy with the results people get back when they Google your name? If not, there are easy ways to monitor and guide what information is published about you online. Two years ago we covered how to have a say in what Google says about you, and more recently, and how to track down anyone online. But a rash of social media sites have arisen that give you more tools to help you manage your online reputation and become more findable. Let’s take a look.

This article offers some great tips for taking control of your identity or (even better) your library’s identity. I’ll guarantee that even if you’re ignoring the online conversations that are happening about your library, they’re still going on without you. Why not roll up your sleeves and have your say in what the Internet is saying about you?