We are very pleased that Governor Otter has approved the reappointment of John Held for another term to serve on the Board of Commissioners for the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL). John is the 1st Congressional District Representative.
John joined the ICfL Board in 2009 and is its current Chair. John brought nearly 20 years of experience as a trustee for the Payette Public Library to his role as trustee for the Commission, and his background as a local library trustee has served us well. John’s experience, coupled with his practical knowledge of library operations and their role in the community, have been invaluable.
We also enjoy John’s gracious and affable nature, along with the thoughtful presentation of his ideas and opinions. John helps to promote libraries, both at the local level, and throughout the Gem State.
I look forward to John’s continued work on behalf of the ICfL and Idaho’s libraries.