VALNet, the Valley Automated Library Network, is a consortium of public and and school libraries in Southeastern Washington and North Central Idaho working together to share resources and information services. VALNet currently serves nearly 70,000 patrons with over 709,000 books, movies, magazine and othe rlibrary materials.

In addition to cooperation among different types of libraries, VALNet promotes cooperation among city and county governmental units and school districts in two states. VALNet libraries cooperate in many ways to provide the best possible services to their users and to make optimal use of financial resources:

– Shared online patron access catalog
– Shared check-out system
– Daily courier picks up and delivers items to VALNet libraries
– Cooperative collection development
– Cooperative grant writing
– Shared staff development programs
– Shared patron training programs

The VALNet consortium was created in 1985 with 4 agencies and 5 library locations. Over the years, VALNet has grown to include more than 50 library locations.
Member Libraries

Showing 1 - 5 of 43
Camelot Elementary School
1903 Grelle Ave., Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Region 2
Lewiston Independent District #340
Centennial Elementary School
815 Burrell Ave., Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Region 2
Lewiston Independent District #340
Clearwater Valley Elementary School
306 Pine Ave, Kooskia, Idaho 83539
Region 2
Mountain View District #244
Region 2
Mountain View District #244