I haven’t posted in far too long but as I sit here with…

a) Meebo open in one of my Firefox tabs so I can be contacted through the MeeboMe widget on our library’s home page (two "real" reference questions answered there last week),

b) Bloglines open in another tab, with the feeling of satisfaction that comes only when every one of my 23 feeds has been read…and every feed has now been read (ok, browsed) for the first time in many months,

c)My Facebook profile open in a third tag, graced by my newborn del.icio.us tag cloud,

…I am getting the feeling that a few things have changed!

It used to be that if I had browsed the latest issues of Online, Library Journal, C&RL, C&RL News and the Chronicle of Higher Education then I was a well-kept up librarian. And if I was here in the library near the phone and kept my email open then students could reach me…

I don’t have anything smart to say about this right now, other than this:

Wow, I never used to do any of this but now can’t imagine my job without all of it!

I’ll work on a smarter response…