
This phase begins with an informal assessment of your local needs for public library service, and then determination of whether creating a new library district might meet those needs.

There also needs to be some self-assessment of the commitment to the districting project. The creation of a new library district can be a time-consuming and difficult process. Individuals and groups need to determine whether they are willing to put in the time and effort needed to work through the process.

Even at this early stage of a districting project, there is help available. Throughout the Assessment Phase, and the whole districting process, you should feel free to call your Idaho Commission for Libraries public library consultant for help and ideas. They will be glad to help you understand the technical aspects of districting and can also provide you with help in your self-assessment of your commitment to the process.

At the end of the informal Assessment Phase, you will need to decide if creating a library district is something that you want to pursue.

  • If you have determined that the local situation makes a successful districting effort unlikely, or if you determine that you are not ready to put in the time and effort needed to create a library district, then it is best to look for other alternatives to gain or improve library services.
  • If you determine that districting is a possibility, and you are willing to do the work, it will be time to start a more formal planning process.

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