The Library Building

This section is for information on your library’s utility shutoffs, building issues, tradesmen and professionals who provide services to the library, non-electronic emergency contact information, and details of building projects.

  • Location of the electrical, water, and gas turnoffs
  • A list of the worst problems of the current library building (be nice!)
  • A list of the library’s plumber, electrician, HVAC vendor, ISP48, cleaning service, custodian, etc., and their contact information
  • Who takes care of your library’s IT49 needs and how to contact him or her
  • Name of the vendor who does your library’s emergency cleanup, e.g., smoke damage, water damage
  • Where your library purchases supplies for dealing with leaks, drips, spills, bodily fluids, and biohazards50
  • Location of the library’s emergency Rolodex51, which is accessible without the internet or electricity
  • If your library is planning — or in the midst of — a building project, a list of contact information for the key people and where to find the project documents.

48 Internet Service Provider, the company that supplies the library with its internet connection(s)

49 Information Technology (IT)

50 Such as New Pig. Your library’s emergency cleanup service should be able to tell you which situations are safe for library staff to clean up and which ones require a professional.

51 The Rolodex, invented in 1956 by Danish engineer Hildaur Neilsen, is a rotating file device used to store business contact information. The name is a portmanteau of the words rolling and index. The Rolodex is still available to purchase and proves an invaluable resource during power and/or internet outages as well as situations where software crashes delete your data. Alternatively, business card sleeves can be added to a ring binder to serve the same purpose.

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