The Role of the Idaho Commission for Libraries

The Idaho Commission for Libraries supports efforts to create library districts. The ICfL can provide the following services to groups interested in library districting:

  • Consulting Services. For any districting project, the Idaho Commission for Libraries strongly encourages you to use the services of your Public Library Consultant, who will not only have the most current information about districting, but will also know of valuable resources in your area that you can use. For these reasons, your ICfL Public Library Consultant will be your most valuable resource in a public library districting effort.

    Your Idaho Commission for Libraries Public Library consultant will help you work through most of the legal and political issues of creating a library district. ICfL consultants can also provide facilitation services for meeting when will help develop a library district and assist the group in reaching consensus on which districting option will work best.

  • Information and Ready Reference. In addition to this knowledge base, ICfL produces fact sheets on an as-needed basis about changes in laws that affect districts, and an annual calendar for carry out the procedures required for holding library district trustee elections.

Clay Ritter, Public Library Consultant | (208) 639-4177

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