This section is for information on your library’s website, social media accounts, online public access catalog (OPAC), library terminology and jargon, E-rate and EOR records and contacts, and passwords and URL’s.
- The URL for your library’s homepage
- The URL for your library’s OPAC (if different from the homepage)
- A glossary of terms that explains what URL and OPAC mean, such as the link on the ICfL’s Trustees landing page to the Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science that will help with the jargon that libraries use.
- If your library’s website is an eBranch site, how to get help with the editing tools and password.24
- Reach out to the ICfL about E-rate and EOR deadlines and how to get help with these programs.25
- Passwords and URLs pertaining to your library’s computers, online databases, annual reports, website, E-rate portal, social media accounts, Canva account, etc.
- How to access your library’s password manager26, e.g., LastPass, Dashlane, KeePass, 1Password.