![LITT Collection Development LITT Collection Development](https://libraries.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/LITT-Collection-Development-e1724699512309.png)
LITT: Collection Development
Selecting and purchasing materials for libraries is an art. Share your experiences building and evaluating your library’s collection during LITT: Collection Development chats. Great for academic, school, public, and special libraries.
Our next LITT: Collection Development chat will be held in March 2025, and we will talk about local history collections.
Notes from Past LITT: Collection Development Chats
We had a great discussion on building and maintaining core collections for libraries. Here are some highlights:
- We spent some time exploring the Core Collections database from EBSCO and available for free in LiLI. Marina gave us a tour of the database and explained how to find essential book titles in the Core Collections database by filtering by publication date and recommendation level. She demonstrated how to view details about a specific book, including its rationale for being considered essential and professional reviews. Marina also showed how to access the weeding checklist, which provides guidelines for removing outdated or irrelevant materials. She explains the MUSTI acronym used for weeding criteria and how to generate a list of titles recommended for weeding in the database.
- We discussed the differences between starting a collection from scratch (like an opening day collection for a new branch) and maintaining a collection with core titles or foundational works. Some library vendors can help develop new collections, for a price.
- We talked about the importance of using metrics to help guide purchasing decisions, especially for digital resources.
- We talked a little bit about shelf placement of books and using check out statistics to build heat maps to show high-traffic areas.
- Training on collection development seems to happen by word of mouth. If you are feeling stuck, reach out to a colleague! There is an ABLE module on collection development in Niche Academy: https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho/course/74964.
- Depending on your library, you might consult different sources for collection development:
- School libraries often support curriculum and provide recreational reading material.
- Public libraries support community needs and interests and are more likely to build a collection that reflects the community and purchase requested materials.
- Academic libraries support research needs of students and professors.
- We also chatted a bit about different resources to consult when buying. The Core Collections database is a great place to start, and many publishers have newsletters that can be helpful too. And don’t forget to look at review sources too.
- As always, make sure that your collection follows your library’s collection development policy.
Here are some ways that people are using AI for library work:
- Automate admin tasks
- Analyze data
- Change the tone of written language
- Summarize large quantities of information (like survey results)
- Write speeches and draft policy language
- Find sources for research
Here are some ways you might use AI in Collection Development work:
- Ask it to clean up a spreadsheet of ILS data
- Generate formulas and code in Excel; Analyze Data in Excel
- Find community demographic data to make sure you have materials for different communities
- Track users better to gather data for funding decisions (Placer AI)
- ChatGPT – paid version – can analyze data and generate visualizations
- Analyze public library statistics to compare budget, collection, service area, etc. to peer libraries
- Try to predict community growth to plan purchases
- Book recommendations
- Maybe help create initial catalog records/descriptions?
- Integrate into the public catalog
Here are some AI tools and resources:
- Libraries in Response YouTube recording “Case Study: Using AI to Leverage ILS Data”: https://youtu.be/GtVDqm_KAnU?si=Q2bzwwjU0sO5jjO1 [start at 14 minutes, 30 seconds]
- Placer AI (uses anonymous cell phone data to analyze foot traffic – paid): https://www.placer.ai/
- ChatGPT: https://openai.com/chatgpt/
- Library Robot (created by Reed Hepler, CSI): Library Robot
- Microsoft Copilot: Still in preview, but learn more here
- Book: Co-Intelligence by Ethan Mollick
- Article: Academic Authors’ work Sold to AI
- University of Sydney has a helpful AI page that gives some good generative AI tool options for academic and PL uses: https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/51655/pages/home-page?module_item_id=2036899
- Here’s a company that is Not Using AI: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/08/procreate-defies-ai-trend-pledges-no-generative-ai-in-its-illustration-app/
Here are some strategies for using AI tools:
- Start with conversational questions to get started & refine based on results
- Start with a specific question to generate exactly what you want
- Just jump in a play around
Here are some things to consider or look out for:
- AI-generated books (usually on found on Amazon). See this document from the Toledo Lucas County Public Library on how to spot an AI-generated book and look out for these cues:
- A book claims to have 500 recipes and only has 100 pages (recipe books seem to be popular AI-generated content)
- Generic fonts/covers – pay attention to visuals
- Contains a lot of repetition and little substance – book doesn’t make sense.
Here are the notes from our LITT chat on Diversity Audits :
- We talked about what exactly a Diversity Audit it. One attendee said, “As the name suggests, a diversity audit is meant to make sure that you have a diverse collection. Diverse can mean so many things. For example, I do a lot of ordering of cozy mysteries. Are all of my cozy mysteries from white, female authors? I have recently discovered some great Asian culinary mysteries like the Noodle Shop Mysteries by Vivien Chien.” Want to know more? Check out this article from School Library Journal.
- We discussed tools to do a diversity audit. Some vendors, like Ingram, offer a diversity audit tool (that you pay for). The Diverse Book Finder database also has a collection analysis tool that can help you get started. If auditing your whole collection seems overwhelming, one strategy is to start with a smaller sub-group or even just one shelf – here is a 2-page tool that can help you audit a shelf in your collection. The ICfL has curated additional resources for diversity audits in the Welcoming Libraries section of our Niche Academy platform (you do need to create a login and password to access this, if you don’t already have one): https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho?category=6321.
- A few other things that came up in the discussion:
- One strategy is to review purchases for your collection and make sure that you include diversity when buying items for your collection.
- With some electronic tools, your audit will only be as good as your catalog records.
- Understanding the various identities of your community will help you understand the needs for your collection.
- Change does not happen overnight – it can take years to build a diverse collection.
- Sometimes it can be challenging to get some diverse books to circulate – try different marketing and display strategies to help them get checked out and let your community know that the books are in the collection.
- The Cooperative Children’s Book Center keeps statistics on diversity in book publishing.
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend yesterday’s LITT: Collection Development chat on weeding. We recorded most of our discussion (everything except introductions), and you can view the recording here: https://youtu.be/Arrctg1Y5T4.
These are some of the highlights:
- Most of the people on the call liked weeding…when it was done.
- Weeding helps you circulate more books and makes room for newer books in your collection.
- Sometimes weeding can help you better arrange your collection. After a weed, you may be better able to genre-fy your books, grouping similar genres together. One library had success circulating classics after pulling them out during a weed and putting them on a shelf together.
- There are several different ways to find new homes for weeded books:
- Sometimes they will need to be placed in the garbage.
- If you have a Friends group, they can take charge of the books and sell them.
- One of your community partners may be able to use the books.
- Books also make great craft supplies.
- Try using a free table or shelf for library patrons to take the books.
- One library is “combing” their shelves by pulling each book off the shelf and inspecting it for damage, checking its usage stats, and weeding as needed.
- Once your collection has been thoroughly weeded, you can implement a schedule to weed it regularly. This will help you stay on top of the deselection process and make it less overwhelming. A good rule of thumb is that for every book your library purchases or acquires during a year, you should also weed one book.
- Here are some additional weeding resources to look at:
- ALA Collection Maintenance and Weeding: https://www.ala.org/tools/challengesupport/selectionpolicytoolkit/weeding
- CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Library (Texas State Library and Archives Commission): https://www.tsl.texas.gov/sites/default/files/public/tslac/ld/pubs/crew/crewmethod08.pdf
- Dewey Weeding Guidelines from Yavapai Library Network LibGuide: https://yln.libguides.com/c.php?g=1077306&p=7958011
- Weeding Your School Library Collection (Gooding School District) https://libraries.idaho.gov/files/Weeding2018.pdf
We had a great discussion, and a main takeaway is that most libraries fill patron requests whenever possible. For libraries in smaller communities, most of their collection development is driven by patron requests. Here are some of the other highlights:
- Request Forms. Most libraries have some sort of paper or digital form (or both!) to record patron requests. Most of those forms include basic info about the requested item (title, author, etc.) and info about the requester (usually name and contact info). One library uses the request form for both purchases and ILL requests.
- Check out this digital form and this physical form from East Bonner County Library District.
- Who and How Many. Most libraries will only fill requests for library patrons. The patron’s name can be looked up in the ILS from the request form or the patron library card number can be included on the form for easy location. One library’s patron request form can be accessed when a patron logs into their library account, ensuring that only library patrons can make requests.
- What to Purchase. We had a really good conversation about what to purchase. As mentioned above, for the most part libraries will fill a patron request whenever possible. But sometimes that can be challenging when patrons request unpopular books or series that are not likely to circulate. Or when they request items that are out of print and difficult to obtain. Series can be especially tricky when a patron requests the entire series and decides that they don’t want to read it after finishing the first book. Some libraries will only purchase a few books from a series to see how it does and then purchase more if they are popular. Some libraries limit how many requests a patron can send each week.
- Some advice from the folks on the Zoom:
- Check Libby to see if the item is available there. Did you know that Libby users in Idaho have expanded access to other libraries in the state through IDEA? Here is a list of all of the libraries that participate (you can show your patrons how to add these libraries to their Libby app):
- Blackfoot Public Library
- Boise Public Library
- Cooperative Information Network
- East Bonner County Library District
- ID8 Digital Library (formerly called LYNX Consortium on Libby)
- Idaho Digital Consortium
- Idaho Falls Public Library
- IDEA by ICfL
- Kuna Library District
- LIBRI System, Inc.
- Meridian Library District
- Valnet
- You can do an advanced search on Libby for self-published books (which can be hard to find in the general search).
- In general, libraries are okay with purchasing self-published books from neighbors in the community or who are local. Libraries are less likely to purchase self-published books from out-of-state.
- Check out the 1-star reviews of items on Amazon.
- If you think a series might not be popular, you could look for a less-expensive used copy to add to the collection to see how it does.
- Some libraries have written policies about patron requests, but many do not. For many libraries, procedures around what to purchase change over time.
- Check Libby to see if the item is available there. Did you know that Libby users in Idaho have expanded access to other libraries in the state through IDEA? Here is a list of all of the libraries that participate (you can show your patrons how to add these libraries to their Libby app):
- Budget. Regardless of a libraries budget, most libraries seem to prioritize patron requests. Some libraries have more flexibility in spending in this area. For some libraries, patron requests make up 50% – 90% of their collection. Unless a book is cost prohibitively expensive, a library will likely purchase it.
- One final thought from the group: Having a collection built mostly on patron request may mitigate future book challenges. It is difficult to challenge a book that was provided at the request of a community member. Consider adding a book plate at the front of a book indicating that it was purchased from a request from a library patron.
Here are the notes from our discussion:
- Purchasing. We talked things to consider when purchasing graphic novels, including whether to purchase cheaper paperbacks or invest in hardbound items that may be more durable. Purchasing from Bound to Stay Bound or Perma-Bound will ensure that you get a good binding and they typically only offer graphic novels that are popular and will circulate well. Some have had luck purchasing boxsets of series graphic novels off Amazon. Bookriot has a weekly graphic novels email to help you know what is available. The Comics Plus database and Hoopla are great options for digital access for graphic novels.
- Collection Development. Graphic novel collection development relies heavily on patron and staff requests and recommendations. A Junior Library Guild subscription can be helpful at automating purchasing and ensure that series books keep getting purchased.
- Shelving. Some libraries separate Manga from other graphic novels to help with shelving (Manga are usually smaller and denser than traditional graphic novels). Some libraries use bins to help keep graphic novels organized, and patrons can flip through the titles (like a record store). Some libraries shelve all graphic novels in the 741’s (comics section in Dewey). Some libraries have a separate section for graphic novels that is adjacent to the traditional collection.
- Tips & Talking Points. It can be hard to persuade some people that graphic novels are worth reading. Here are some tips and talking points shared during the chat:
- If you take away the images, you are left with some context text, dialog, and action cues – very much like a play. If a play is worth reading, so is a graphic novel.
- Graphic novels contain lots of rare vocabulary words.
- The words and images can help kids understand puns and plays on words.
- Can help kids understand and identify emotions better.
- Can be a way to introduce kids to classic literature – many classics have been reissued as graphic novels.
- Graphic novels help struggling readers build confidence in their reading. The text is less dense and the story can be read quicker.
- Kids that read graphic novels read more than the average adult.
- Graphic novels are FULL of literary elements.
- It can be easier to start and stop reading graphic novels. If your mind wanders off, or you don’t want to read for very long at once, it’s lots more appealing than text
- Reading graphic novels encourages a different mode of imagining and sequencing events.
- Interpreting graphic novel panels encourages a new way of reading.
- Graphic novels can level the playing field for struggling readers and offer another option for reading comprehension (because not everyone learns the same way).
- Make reading a graphic novel part of your library’s reading challenges.
- Let kids take the lead on choosing what to read.
- Adult Graphic Novels. Graphic novels for adults aren’t as generally popular as those for teens and kids. It can be hard to justify buying too many if they don’t circulate. One person in the discussion noted that the small size of the font on many graphic novels can be a barrier. Many popular graphic novels for adults fall in the horror genre (such as The Walking Dead) and some may not be appropriate for young audiences. Some libraries have had requests for memoirs and biographies that are graphic novels.
- Graphic Novel Suggestions and Favorite Recommendations:
- Easy Readers I Can Read Comics graphic novels for emerging readers
- Anything tied to pop culture or a tv series or movie will circulate well
- Heartstopper series
- Press Start (from the Branches imprint of Scholastic – find more here)
- Solo Leveling
- Eisner Award winners
- Cat Massage Therapy
- Lore Olympus
- Kaiju No. 8
- Abandoned Empress
- Sakamoto Days
- Sandman
- Spy Family
- Junji Ito
- Batman Knightfall
- Ex Machina
- Allie Brosh’s books
- Amulet
- Investigators
- Phoebe and Her Unicorn
- Babymouse
- Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales
- My Favorite Thing is Monsters
- Things we don’t love about graphic novels. Sometimes acquiring them is difficult. It can take a long time to get them, and ordering can be challenging. Some graphic novels are flashpoints for controversy.
- Links shared in the chat:
- https://www.fantagraphics.com/collections/kids-ya
- Boise Public Library’s Comic Arts Festival Educators day: https://www.boisepubliclibrary.org/programs-services/boise-comic-arts-festival/bcaf-librarians-educators-day/ (FREE Professional Development!)
- Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels
- Z2 Comics: https://z2comics.com/
- You can download a set of “Graphic Novels are Real Reading” bookmarks here (and they will soon be available to request for free from the ICfL!)
- Use Graphic Novels to Get Kids Reading, and article from Novelist
We had a small but mighty group attend last Friday’s LITT: Collection Development chat. We discussed the advantages of different ILS’s, the tech support needed to maintain your system, the importance of good catalog records, how to effectively train new staff on using the ILS, and so much more!
There are a lot of free Collection Development and Cataloging trainings available for free:
- From the ICfL’s Niche Academy:
- Classes through Library Juice Academy (apply here for free access from the ICfL):
- Linked Data in Library Metadata & Cataloging (March)
- Cataloging DVDs, Blur-ray discs, and Streaming Videos (March)
- Electronic Resources Cataloging (April)
- Serials Cataloging (May)
- Introduction to Collection Development (May)
- Introduction to Cataloging (June)
- Introduction to Collection Analysis (July)
- ABLE Courses from the ICfL
- Federal Depository Library Program Training Repository
- This book series to learn more about film genres
- Quick reference for Bibliographic Formats and Standards (from OCLC)
- For fast help with Dewey, check out LibraryThing
- Favorite trade publications and websites:
- Game Informer for video games
- Definitely Library Journal and School Library Journal
- Foreward for Indie picks: https://www.forewordreviews.com/
- IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic for movies and TV series
- Titlewave – Follett’s collection of reviews for school-age titles
- Book Riot
- https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/
- https://childhood101.com/comic-books-graphic-novels/
- Graphic novels and comic books: https://previewsworld.com/
- https://www.edelweiss.plus/#dashboard
- Novelist
- Other:
- This is a course on cataloging DVDs, Blu-ray, and Streaming video: https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/135-cataloging-dvds-blu-ray-discs-and-streaming-videos/
Thanks to everyone who attended today’s LITT: Collection Development – Policy Check chat. We reviewed the basic parts of a collection development policy and procedures for a reconsideration of materials. Here is a summary of the resources we shared during the discussion:
- For Your Reconsideration – an ICfL blog post from January with some basic assistance on selection and reconsideration policies and procedures
- Includes this Materials Challenge Flowchart that may help you decide where to start
- And this checklist from the Michigan State Library
- A Little More for Your Reconsideration – a follow-up ICfL blog post with even more useful resources
- The ALA Section Policy Toolkit
- Also includes sample forms for requests for reconsideration for public, school, and academic libraries
- The ICfL IDEA Collection Development Policy (may be helpful if you are creating a policy for electronic materials; this will be updated during a June ICfL Board meeting)
- We chatted a bit about the legal protections for library collections – the Ferguson library (in Missouri) includes this general outline of 1st Amendment cases in its policy
Here are some general tips that were shared during the chat:
- Include language that indicates that someone who wants to challenge materials from the collection must be a patron/community member
- Check your website and make sure that the most recent version of your policy is posted and do post your policy if it isn’t on your website
- There was interest in emphasizing language that supports the role of parents in selecting books for children (i.e. it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that children read appropriate materials)
- Some libraries have had patrons or community members come into the library or repeatedly call to ask if the library carried certain books
- Some libraries have had patrons or community members request that the library purchase challenged books
- You should regularly review your policies with your board or administration and update them as needed
- Some policies also include a statement on weeding and methods for deselection of materials
Some of the libraries at the chat agreed to share their policies, in case you would like to look at them:
Other Sample Policies:
- From Altadena
- From the Community Library Network
- Twin Falls Public Library
- Meridian Library District
Finally, check out the testimony from the House Oversight Committee hearings on Free Speech and Censorship (from April 2022):
- Here’s a recording of the hearing, with links to resources and documents
- Committee chairman Jamie Raskin’s 11-minute opening statement is worth a watch
We had a great time discussing donations and doing a live unboxing. Here some of the topics that we discussed:
- General donation policies
- Some libraries ask that materials be boxed up and clean
- Some libraries do not accept textbooks
- Nearly all libraries have some sort of policy about determining what to do with donations (i.e. they are not automatically added to the collection, the library can dispose of them, if needed, etc.)
- Attendees shared most notable items donated – one library received a donation of a coin collection!
- Many receive empty DVD or VHS boxes that can be reused
- Some received items infected with insects
- What do libraries do with donations they can’t use?
- Put them in a book sale
- Put them on a free shelf/table (especially popular for romance paperbacks)
- Use them in little free libraries
- Offer them to adult care centers, childcare centers, or schools
- Use them in a library craft
- Sell them on Amazon or Biblio (thanks to Micheal from East Bonner for the recommendation!)
- Trash/recycle (if possible)
- We also had an interesting conversation about how to de-odor books that come in smelly:
- Baking soda tub
- Dryer sheets
- Dry spray from Demco
- Baggie with essential oils
- From West Bonner: “I have a plastic bin with a screen in the bottom that sits on top of charcoal bags. We call the box Smokey. When books come back with smoke smell they get checked out to Smokey and go into the bin. It take a week or so and they come out smelling clean.”
- Some advice on donations:
- Use volunteers to help with the initial triage of materials and prepping anything for recycling
I was inspired by the amount of care that libraries around Idaho put into materials donated by their community. Adding donations to the collection is a LOT more work than it seems. While many donations don’t make it to the shelves, every once in a while you get that one new book that you need to complete a series or shorten your holds list.
Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for the LITT: Collection Development “B” Movies chat earlier today. We had a fun discussion about the best worst movies. Here are the highlights:
- If you are able to purchase DVD’s from eBay, it’s a great source
- Also check out Alliance Entertainment – a DVD’s vendor some of the group didn’t know about
- Sometimes we can’t purchase everything that patrons request. Try to use Inter Library Loan for those hard-to-find movies (hint: the East Bonner Library has a GREAT selection)
- Notable “B” movies that came up in our discussion:
- All things Shark Related – Sharknado (and sequels), Santa Jaws, Virus Shark, 3-Headed Shark Attack
- The VelociPastor
- Slaxx
- Psycho Goreman
- Links to other “B” movies that may be of interest (copied from the chat):
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9102084/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_2
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2781516/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11056910/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_5
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11778118/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_6
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9288692/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3917506/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_8
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8305692/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_7
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11252440/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9161434/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9097550/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8114980/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6998518/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_2
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5073642/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9831136/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_6
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5636234/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_7
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11650674/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8360902/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_8
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4685096/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_2
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6719524/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2043757/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_3
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14096132/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_9
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4301440/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_4
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7133754/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_5
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2784512/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_6
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4642970/
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2465308/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_10
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1811315/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9741310/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_12
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6034454/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_1
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8485548/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_10
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15397504/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_2
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3172668/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_4
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2060525/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_5
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1843303/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_2
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11650674/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_4
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8387464/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_5
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8305692/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_6
Thanks to everyone who attended the LITT: Collection Development chat in July. We had a great discussion about how we track usage statistics and use them to inform collection development practices at our libraries. Elaine Sloane from Boise Public Library shared her library’s yearly snapshot spreadsheet, which helps her library track trends over time.
Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the LITT: Collection Development virtual chat earlier this month. We discussed/debated physical vs. streaming media. Our verdict: physical media is not going away, but it is becoming increasingly hard to collect. Some popular shows aren’t available on DVD and, until there is greater access to broadband in rural areas, streaming isn’t an option for all Idahoans. The Ada Community Library shared a unique idea of circulating Roku devices loaded with the Netflix and Disney+ apps. The library pays for the subscription services, which travel with the Roku Device as it circulates. Cool!
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the LITT: Collection Development chat earlier this week. We had a great discussion on how to build collections with equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Here are some of the resources that we shared during the Zoom:
A collection of EDI resources, including information on doing a collection audit (resources near the bottom of the page): https://libraries.idaho.gov/rtm/welcoming-libraries-grant/
ICfL’s professional development portal for EDI (and more!): https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho
A resource for finding diverse books: https://diversebookfinder.org
Librarians from around the state shared their strategy for selecting and purchasing eBooks.
Questions or comments about LITT: Collection Development chats? Contact Jennifer.