LITT E-Services

LITT: E-Services

Join us to discuss and learn more about E-Services! We’ll cover topics from all your favorite E-Services programs, including the Digital Access for All Idahoans plandigital inclusione-branchE-Rate and broadbandIdaho Digital E-Book Alliance (IDEA)IdahoDigitalSkills.orgLiLI Databases, technology help, and web design and accessibility.

For additional information on E-Services programs and topics, check out our newsletters:

  • The Digital Access for All Idahoans newsletter has information on Idaho’s digital access plan, programs, events, and resources.
  • The Digital Resource Digest provides information on upcoming training sessions and highlights digital resources from ICfL and beyond.
  • Tech Talk is a weekly, technology-focused newsletter for non-techies.

The LITT: E-Services listserv is a great way to stay connected between chats. Check out our listserv guidelines before posting.

Subscribe to the LITT: E-Services listserv:

Check the LITT Events widget for the next LITT: E-Services chat date and time.

Agendas & Notes from Past LITT: E-Services chats


  • Share-out:
  • Discussion:
    • What is your favorite resource on LiLI or what one do you recommend the most?
    • Share stats for LiLI resources
  • Demonstration & Sharing:
    • Consumer Health Complete
      • Pamphlets & Fact Sheets
      • Medical dictionary
      • Medical images & videos
    • Gale eBooks
      • E-textbooks for K-12 and college
    • Publication Finder
      • Used to find e-journals and magazines available in the ICfL’s EBSCO subscription
  • Discussion:
    • What need do your patrons have that is not currently being met by the LiLI resources or your library’s digital resources?

The DAAI Plan Overview

  • 5 Elements of Digital Inclusion
    • Affordable, robust broadband internet service
    • Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user
    • Access to digital skills training
    • Quality technical support
    • Accessible apps and online content
  • Idaho’s vision is to support all residents in thriving online, focusing on digital skills, cybersecurity, technical support, public services and resources, and affordable broadband and devices.
  • The Digital Access for All Idahoans (DAAI) plan is funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Idaho received $564,706 for planning. Idaho will receive an estimated $6,305,226 for an initial allotment. Two more funding allocations will be available for Idaho, but the amounts are currently unknown.
  • The DAAI plan targets particular covered populations. Libraries already serve these folks since 76% of Idahoans are covered populations. The covered populations are:
    • Low-income households
    • Aging individuals
    • Incarcerated individuals
    • Veterans
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Individuals with a language barrier
    • Members of a racial or ethnic minority group
    • Those with low literacy levels
    • Those who reside in a rural area
  • The plan outlines five goals that the ICfL will tackle through a combination of statewide solutions and local and regional subgrants.
    • Goal 1: Increase adoption and affordability of broadband technology.
    • Goal 2: Improve online accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and services.
    • Goal 3: Increase digital skills.
    • Goal 4: Spread awareness of cybersecurity and online privacy.
    • Goal 5: Increase availability of devices and technical support.

Statewide Programs

Upcoming Subgrants

  • Connecting Communities
    • Provides devices and accessories to public libraries to expand digital inclusion, equity, and literacy efforts.
    • The next version of the program will be open to more libraries and community anchor institutions, provide Windows laptops, and follow a “learn to earn” model.
    • Example programs:
      • Oneida County Library provided group training to seniors on topics such as The Google Workspace suite, email, online safety/identifying scams, and internet browsing and searching.
      • Ada Community Library, Victory branch, worked with incarcerated individuals to provide weekly digital literacy and tech training in a classroom setting. (Many thanks to the Ada Community Library for sharing more about their program at the LITT!)
  • Upcoming subgrants will be available and will target various activities, including digital navigator programs, cybersecurity and digital skills training, technical support, and affordable devices.
  • Tips and tricks for upcoming grant applications:
    • Gather data for your local community.
    • Tie your application back to the state plan.
    • Think about community partners, especially partners who serve members of the covered populations.
    • Make your grants and programs measurable and sustainable from the start.
  • Upcoming grant opportunities from the ICfL are on our website. More information is also available for grants from NTIA.
  • Libraries said they can’t handle all the tech support questions. Some libraries rely on outside contractors for library tech support, but they handle all the day-to-day issues themselves. 
  • There was a question about inclusive and accessible technology for vulnerable populations, i.e., aging individuals, those with disabilities, folks experiencing housing insecurity, and immigrant populations. They’ve also noticed a need for languages beyond Spanish, i.e., Somali or other regional dialects. 
    • Google Docs has better translations than just Google Translate. Docs have multiple languages, and when proofread by native speakers, they say it is a really accurate translation. It also keeps the formatting consistent. 
    • For devices, Empowering Parents and Computers 4 Kids provide needed devices to families to help with schooling. The Idaho Assistive Technology Project provides device lending to folks with disabilities.
    • Idaho Digital Skills has Digital Navigators and a Resource directory for finding digital access services across Idaho. 
  • Tech support basics include the ever-popular “Google” and “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
  • Common tech problems:
    • There are frequent issues with various cataloging systems and updates. It can also be complicated to deal with these issues in the context of a larger library consortium.
    • Tech compatibility issues. They got a brand-new printer, but it wasn’t compatible with their current desktops. And the Google Chromebooks won’t work with it either. 
    • Some libraries prefer Macs for tech support and ease of repair. 
  • Patron tech problems:
    • Libraries shared examples of helping patrons with information requests and step-by-step instructions for researching and answering their questions using technology. After the walk-through, the patron could duplicate the process to find the needed information. 
  • There was also a question about fielding patron questions about internet access. How should libraries explain internet filtering? Librarians aren’t legislators or lawyers, but they are information specialists. Typically directing patrons to the relevant state and federal law, in this case, Idaho Code § 33-2741 and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and explaining the importance of compliance helps the patron understand. If the patron is unhappy with the law, librarians can help them find information on contacting their legislators. 

Here’s a recap of what was discussed:

  • Most folks use vendor-provided statistics and don’t have specific metrics for continuing subscriptions
    • In general, if usage declines, a digital tool may be considered for removal from the library’s offerings
  • Oneida County Library partners with their local school district to provide annual training on the LiLI Databases to school district staff. A great way to share the library’s resources with the community!
  • Public libraries have seen a steady increase in digital book usage (OverDrive) and a general decline in physical item checkouts. This is especially true for audiobooks. Here’s a visual of the increase from Boise Public:
  • There is some frustration from school library staff when students try to link their school account and public library account Sora. Public libraries were suggested to partner with their local schools to provide training and mutual support for Libby/Sora access. Here are some guides that may help folks get started:
  • Libraries are trying to meet the needs and requests of their communities when it comes to digital resources, but budgets are always a constraint. Streaming and downloading services (such as Kanopy, Hoopla, and OverDrive) seem to be the most popular, but there is high demand. Boise Public compiled this FAQ to explain long waitlists and costs associated with these services.




  • Introduce yourself
  • Reminder: The session is not recorded.
Discussion & Demonstration
    • WorldBook
      • Articles – read aloud, select voice/narrator; adjust text size (Student/Advanced), translate, OpenDyslexic font (in Student)
      • Double-click the word to define.
      • Nothing in Timelines or Spanish platform
    • EBSCO databases & Explora
      • Articles – translate, read aloud, change speed, enlarge text, download mp3, available in HTML & PDF
    • LearningExpress
      • Help – Accessibility (keyboard shortcuts)
      • Transcripts & closed captioning with every video (transcripts in microlessons)
    • Chilton Library
      • Closed captioning and playback speed adjustments on videos (video downloads)
      • Article read aloud (playback speed & volume adjust, enlarge text, download mp3, page mask)
    • Gale eBooks
      • Article – change font size, read aloud (download mp3), display settings, double click text to define, translate, dyslexic font.
      • Only available in Text View
Marina gave a demo of each database’s accessibility features:

WorldBook accessibility features:

1. Read aloud

2. Change voice

3. Change text size

4. Change to dyslexic font

5. Translate language

6. Double-click on a word in an article; it should give you a define option.

Note: not a paid subscription if you start at


New interface accessibility in pdf.


Page mask to focus option

Gale eBooks

Book view will not show accessibility options.

Discussion & Demonstration
  • Libby
    • General
      • Settings – Accessibility Features (language, color & text variation)
    • Ebooks
      • “A” at the top of the screen
      • Custom design
    • Audiobooks
      • Adjust speed
  • Sora
    • Same in book features, BUT
    • Platform accessibility: high contrast/dyslexic font, translate
Marina gave a demo of the accessibility features in Libby.

Libby does not have the double click and define option; Sora does.

Sleep timer option

  • Share a resource you love with great accessibility features!
  • Tell us what accessibility features you’d like to see in the LiLI Databases/Libby/Your favorite e-resource
Dyslexia font is a huge help. It should be the default font due to many undiagnosed and easier for people with dyslexia.

Overdrive accessibility features in Sora need to be added to Libby.

Discussion on accessibility at the library and removing fees so people will continue to visit.

  • +/∆
  • Next LITT Chat is in December!
Meeting ended at 2:56 PM
  • Digital Inclusion 101
    • Definitions from NDIA:
    • Digital Inclusion: Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, access and use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes five elements: 1) affordable, robust broadband internet service; 2) internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user; 3) access to digital literacy training; 4) quality technical support; and 5) applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration. Digital Inclusion must evolve as technology advances. Digital Inclusion requires intentional strategies and investments to reduce and eliminate historical, institutional, and structural barriers to technology access.
    • Digital Equity: Digital Equity is a condition where all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy. Digital Equity is necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning, and access to essential services.
    • Digital Skills: American Library Association’s definition of Digital Literacy via their Digital Literacy Taskforce: Digital Literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring cognitive and technical skills.

    Open Conversation on Digital Skills Resources, Barriers, and Websites

    • Idaho Digital Skills offers Idahoans free online learning tools to increase their digital skills. Various tools and resources are available, from lessons for using a mouse to help applying for jobs online. Lessons are available in English and Spanish.
    • GCF is a website with free resources and tools for learners to acquire the necessary skills for 21st-century life. Lessons are available in English and Spanish. It requires basic literacy skills.
    • Cyber-Seniors provides free technology support and training for senior citizens. They have a toll-free technology help number.
    • Learn to use the most popular software programs from Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and the Windows and Macintosh operating systems. All LiLI databases are free for Idaho residents.
    • Senior Planet has free online courses for older adults. For a fee, you can also access their lesson plans and handouts to provide technology classes in person.
    • ChatGPT as a tech help resource? Are we going to start learning more prompts for AI chatbots? The human element is still needed for the proper use of AI.
    • Explanation of e-branch services and web development services. The ICfL staff are available for 1-1 questions for e-branch or other tech-related questions.
    • Overview of the Digital Access for All Idahoans plan and purpose of this LITT chat
    • Folks talked about some barriers to technology access that they’re noticing.
      • What about charging cable policies? What requirements are in place that might make it difficult for folks to charge their phones? Do they have to have a library card? If you place cords out for folks, how do you minimize theft? Shorter cables were discussed, but some issues are inevitable.
      • What about the barriers to folks trying to sell many items online? There is more demand for online selling, but sites like eBay, Facebook, or Craigslist can be labor-intensive and have risks.
      • There was a discussion of helping folks with refinancing homes and other forms and how to walk through the process without filling out forms on someone’s behalf.


  • Introduce yourself:
    • name, library, favorite summer activity
Discussion & Demonstration
  • LiLI
    • WorldBook
      • Articles – read aloud, select voice/narrator; adjust text size, translate
      • Double-click the word to define
    • EBSCO databases not included in Explora (translation feature available in Explora)
      • Articles – translate, read aloud, change voice/speed, enlarge text, adjust text settings, use page mask to focus on certain parts of the text, download mp3, keyboard shortcuts (all features in the HTML full text or abstracts, not PDF)
    • LearningExpress
      • Help – Accessibility
      • Transcripts & closed captioning with every video
    • Chilton Library
      • Closed captioning and playback speed adjustments on videos
      • Article read aloud (playback speed & volume adjust – same options as EBSCO articles)
      • Enlarge text feature is not working
    • Pronunciator
      • Combination of written and spoken lessons
      • Slower speech option
      • ASL option
      • Turn narration on/off (postcards)
    • Gale eBooks
      • Article – change font size, read aloud, display settings, double click the text to define, translate, dyslexic font
      • Book View (no accessibility) vs. Text View (accessibility)
Discussion & Demonstration
  • Libby
    • General
      • Settings – Accessibility Features
    • Ebooks
      • “A” at top of screen
    • Audiobooks
      • Adjust speed
  • Share a resource you love with great accessibility features!
  • Tell us what accessibility features you’d like to see in the LiLI Databases/Libby/Your favorite e-resource
  •  +/∆
  • Next LITT Chat is in September!


Introductions Introduce yourself: name, library, favorite self-care activity
Discussion & Demonstration
  • Deep Search & Notify Me
    • Currently turned on for Boise Public Library & IDEA, the account manager for your library/consortium should get a notification about when it will be live for your library.
    • Demonstration
  • Questions/Discussion
  • OverDrive App to sunset May 1 – will not work beginning May 1!
  • Use the Resource Center for Promotional Materials!
  • Features you’d like to see in Libby/OverDrive
  • Questions, patron issues, etc.
  • +/∆
  • The next LITT Chat is in June!


Introductions Introduce yourself: name, library, favorite holiday treat
Discussion Every participant shares their favorite digital resource from their library and what they like most about it.
Discussion Is there a digital resource(s) you wish your library had access to? Other than budgets, what’s stopping your library from gaining access to this resource?
Wrap-up Thanks, and announce the next LITT chat meeting in March. ShareIdaho Cost Share Discussion in January.


Introductions Introduce yourself: name, library, what you hope to learn today
Updates Statewide RLA – only five public libraries in Idaho without ebook access, and 40 of 108 school districts are connected.
Discussion Common Issues or Questions you receive from patrons – how do you handle those? What do you need more support for? What does that support look like for you?
Discussion RLA lending agreements – share concerns/methods, and discuss quarterly RLA meetings. Future of the RLA.
Discussion Future of LITT: IDEA chats – becoming more generalized; Digital Resources will be quarterly. Feedback on this structure and what topics you would like to discuss.
Wrap-up Thanks, and announce the next LITT chat meeting in December. ShareIdaho Cost Structure chats – November


Here are a few key takeaways from the discussion (and answers to questions that weren’t answered in the session.)

  • Spending content credit:
    • I received confirmation from our Overdrive rep that content credit never expires! So, if you have content credit you’re rushing to spend, rest assured you have plenty of time to spend those funds.
  • Sora:
    • Sora is the K-12 school version of the Libby app. It works differently than Libby, and schools must sign up as a district to gain access. Unfortunately, since Sora is so different from Libby, public library folks usually can’t train their school library counterparts to use the app. Dylan and I will continue to work with OverDrive to come up with a solution. In the meantime, Overdrive offers 30-day demos of Sora – you can request a demo account here.
  • Search across multiple libraries feature.
    • Dylan conducted a live demo of the current Libby workaround for checking multiple overdrive collections for a title. If you’d like a demo, let us know!
  • OverDrive Back-End
    • Anna Langrill, from Ada Community Library, demonstrated how to create custom carts and pull Insights reports in the OverDrive Marketplace.

Questions or comments about LITT: E-Services chats? Contact a member of the E-Services team.


LITT: Academic Libraries

February 10, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST

LITT: Adult Services

February 12, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm MST

LITT: Marketing – Digital Displays

February 25, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm MST

Early Learning LITT Discussion

February 26, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm MST

LITT: Telehealth

March 18, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm MDT

Early Learning LITT Discussion

April 23, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm MDT

LITT: Adult Services

May 21, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm MDT

Doug Baker

Doug Baker

Library Technology Consultant
Email / 208-639-4173
Read my Blogs
Allison Maier

Allison Maier

Digital Navigator Project Coordinator

Email / 208-639-4149
Marina Rose headshot

Marina Rose

E-Resources Library Consultant
Email / 208-639-4165
Read my Blogs
Chelsea Summerlin

Chelsea Summerlin

Digital Inclusion Consultant
Email / 208-639-4175
Read my Blogs

Haley Westbrook

Graphic/Web Designer

Email / 208-639-4180