LITT: Latine
Do you want to better serve the Latine members of your community? Check out the LITT: Latine chats for tips, resources, and advice.
Our next LITT: Latine chat will be held in August of 2024.
Notes from Past LITT: Latine Chats
Thank you to everyone who attended our last LITT: Latine chat on building community strength for the Latine community! Here I have attached the Hispanic Profile Data Book for 2024 from the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs.
Hispanic Profile Data Book 2024
- We mostly discussed the current climate of the Latine community by going through each of the sections and highlighting certain parts. This book is immensely helpful in trying to understand our Latine community here in Idaho as well as to see where most of the community resides. This tool can also be extremely helpful for any stats you may need when writing any types of grants or proposals. I highly suggest to scan over the whole thing if you get a chance! Below are the sections we went over.
- Slide 21: Where population is growing the most
- Slide 26: Age Distribution
- Slide 30: Child births
- Slide 38: Ancestry
- Slide 39: Nativity and Citizenship
- Slide 44: Language
- Slide 64: Emphasis on Ag workers
- Slide 81: Health
- Slide 95: Mothers and Infants
- Slide 116: Education
- Slide 151: Educational Attainment
- Slide 161: Voting
- Slide 162: Crime
Thank you to everyone who attended our last LITT: Latine chat on collection development. Here I have attached the slides that were presented during our discussion where you can find most of our information on.
How to Build Community through a Multilingual Storytime – slides
Throughout our discussion we also discussed quite a bit on collection development so I mentioned I would link back to those slides from an earlier discussion!
Collection Development – slides
We also had a lot of great projects in mind so I just wanted to reiterate to please reach out to me with any questions you may have with your programming!
Thank you to everyone who attended our last LITT: Latine chat on New Terms and Pronunciations. You may notice we are now calling these LITT: Latine and if you scroll down to the “Latine” section I explain more as to why we will be moving forward with this new term. Here are some highlights as well as resources from our discussion.
We discussed the importance of one self-identifying however we want to because at the end of the day no one has the right to do that for somebody else. Our Spanish speaking patrons are greatly affected by this due to all the set terms the U.S. Government has set to Identify this community. I encourage you all to have these conversations with your patrons/coworkers as well as using the term they best seem fit for themselves! As for your programming and events, if you think one of these terms best catches your Spanish speaking community, then I highly encourage you all to use that term!
A little about the word Hispanic and my own journey with this.
- Hispanic was the first word I identified with, it wasn’t until I realized the connection of the term to colonization because of how the Nixon administration created it to identify all those from a Spanish speaking countries. My personal issue with the term is also that in Spanish “Hispanic” translates to “Hispano” which is defined as, “a person descended from Spanish settlers in the Southwest before it was annexed to the US.” This definition stuck with me because it seems to only represent a portion of the Latinx community which is why I decided to not use the term so much. I went from Although the term didn’t fit with me, I know there are plenty of people that still identify with the term.
- That last sentence is very important because for some people the word, “Hispanic” was the first word they were able to feel recognized with. I just want to make it clear that in no way am I saying you should completely refrain from using the word, if you believe your community answers better to this term, then by all means I encourage you to use it!
- The terms Latino and Latina focuses on where a person or group comes from, especially if they are from Latin America or the Caribbean, whereas Hispanic focuses more on the language aspect of the individual. This helped me identify as Latino for a time and appreciate that term the best. As for the reasoning as to why I use Latinx, it is because it is used to identify those who identify as Latino/a but it removes the gendered aspect that exists with it.
- The term Latine serves the same purpose as Latinx. The difference between the two is that Latinx was created more to roll better off our English tongues, creating almost a linguistic imperialism to those that have Spanish as their first language. Even though it may not have been the goal the word Latine is still easier to say in Spanish, and the language already uses “e” as a gender-neutral ending to worlds like “estudiante” (student). This is what made us decide to change the name of our LITT: Latinx to LITT: Latine.
Links for Terms:
- During this part of our LITT we discussed the importance of saying names correctly. No matter if you think it’s right or may be too embarrassed, it’s always better to ask for clarification to ensure you are pronouncing our patrons/co-workers names correctly.
Links for Pronunciation:
Make sure to check out the new Bicultural Services webpage on our website!
The Regional MEP Coordinator for Regions 5&6, Christina Alvarez, was able to join us and give insight on how libraries can collaborate with the Migrant Education Program (MEP). Here are the contacts of the coordinators as well as the regions they serve.
Access Card – The Hailey Public Library has created an access card available to patrons to help with making the process of getting a library card easier. I found a similar pilot plan that the Edmonton Public Library created, and you can find the pdf for that plan here.
Idaho Commission for Hispanic Affairs: Hispanic Profile Data Book 5th ed. (2021) – Great resource for finding data
Association for Library Services to Children: Resources for Spanish-speaking Populations (Dec. 2020)
Infopeople’s Survival Spanish for Library Staff Training and PDF to go with it
Link to find LITT Latine on Collection development PowerPoint
Olathe Public Library Resource page
School Library Services for the Spanish Speaking Student
Racial Equity Assessment for event planning
Information on Outreach for Underserved Children Program
Spanishmama – “Where to find the best online Spanish books for free”
Information on Idaho Libraries and Laundromats
Thank you to everyone who attended our last LITT: Latine chat on collection development. Here I have attached the slides that were presented during our discussion where you can find most of our information on.
LITT Latine – Collection Development
I also have some extra highlights from our discussion as well.
Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara
- Deadline for the FIL Free Pass Program is not until Sept 30 this year so there’s still time for this:
- If you want to learn more about the FIL book festival that Fiona May went to in 2019, here is a 2-page article on it in the Feb 6, 2020 Scoop archives, which can be found on our website at: or Page 4 – or here:
Extra places to find materials
- Lee & Low (publisher that has good Spanish / Bilingual selection)
- Collection of diverse children’s picture books
- All About Books
- First Book Marketplace
- Brodart
Thank you to everyone who attended our last LITT: Latine chat on relevant cultural events. Here are some highlights as well as resources from our discussion.
Handouts and news from Maria Estrella, Reforma CAYASC Chair- During our discussion Maria was able to come in and give us some information on ways Reforma can support libraries with cultural programming and events.
Dos and Don’ts Handout – Dos and Don’ts to keep in mind before, during, and after planning a culturally relevant event.
- Highlights from handout-
- Define Diversity in a Diverse Way
- Define diversity broadly including different aspects of identity, such as race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, ethnicity, residency status, age, socioeconomic status and others.
- Input from All
- Seek broad community input beyond the planning committee. Ask students, family members and community members from different communities and identity groups what they would like the community to understand about their identity group and the issues they face. Consider surveying the school community and community at-large to learn what topics are relevant.
- Focus only on the three “Fs” – Festivals, Fashion and Foods.
- By focusing just on these items, school can risk trivializing the culture’s rich history and people’s experiences and reinforcing stereotypes that tends to “exoticize” or make excitingly foreign instead of showing the diversity within the culture itself.
- Half-heartedly implement the program.
- Doing so sends a message to patrons that these topics are irrelevant and unimportant, which does little to encourage them to address injustice and inequity.
- Define Diversity in a Diverse Way
Latine Engagement – Article about the prior groundwork that needs to be done for a successful cultural program.
Calendar of Latine Celebrations – List with a month-by-month guide to Latine holidays and celebrations.
HHM – Article about Hispanic Heritage month with information on what other libraries across the country are doing.
Bridge Programs – Throughout the discussion we spoke about trying to get away from holiday related events. Bridge programs, which are programs that help immigrants integrate into their new communities, are a perfect example of other programming to do.
Extra Programming – Other examples of events to host.
HHM Pinterest Boards– Great ideas on events and decorations libraries can do to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month as well as other Latine holidays.
Grants that could possibly help with your cultural and educational events!
- Bank grants – Most grants often will have a focus area, like food insecurity or literacy. If your library can find one that fits their specific issue they are trying to address with the educational event, it could be possible to qualify. The Wells Fargo Foundation is an example.
- Libraries Transform Communities Grant
- Idaho Community Foundation – has annual grants that could work if tied to education (next deadline is June 15 for Eastern Idaho)
- The Idaho Humanities Council – see the $1,000 or less Opportunity Grant
- The Idaho Commission on Arts – see Projects for Orgs, Public Programs for Arts, and Arts Education Projects grants
- Newsletter on Grants – Sign up following the link for a newsletter for grants that may fit libraries
Animal Sounds in Spanish – An exciting activity we talked about was teaching animal sounds in Spanish.
Sesame Street in Communities – Great resources in Spanish to put out for the community.
Here are some highlights as well as resources from our discussion:
Throughout our discussion we talked about how we can make libraries more welcoming. Here are resources to make more inclusive signage as well as some extra Latine resources you can put out. We also discussed the importance of having books that are written in Spanish for an authentic experience so here are some links for that!
Signage and Latine resources:
Welcoming Libraries Grant – can support diversity audits and some purchasing for your collections – see resources at bottom of the grant page
SOL (Spanish in our Libraries) Signage Resources
Bilingual Library Signage
ACLU ID Rights and resources for the Latine Community
Book Resources:
Pura Belpre Award Winning books
Star Bright Books
Rediscovered Books – has high quality picture books in Spanish/bilingual. They also give a discount to libraries, and possibly free shipping.
Outreach was something that most libraries are struggling with when it comes to their Latine patrons. Here are some tips we discussed.
Trust- finding an individual within the community that is trusted by the Latine population is a great way to get connected to others.
Local Latine Stores- Find areas within your community that has a high number of customers that are Latine. An example is here in Boise the Mexican Consulate would be great since they get around 60-80 Latine people a day.
Spanish Radio—These are just some that were brought up in the discussion: KBWE (Burley); KXTA (Twin Falls); KPDA (Nampa)
Here are some extra library resources that we briefly touched on. If you have time, I advise that you check these links and see what all your library could use!
LiLI Resources in Spanish
ICfL’s Early Literacy Support Materials Store
Web Junction Programs
Ready! for kindergarten (is available in Spanish).
We discussed the importance of hosting relevant cultural events to keep our Latine patrons feeling at home. “Día” events are some of the most common cultural events we all see. Here are some links that give some information on “Día de los Niño’s” which is coming up at the end of April!
There are also Día resources on ICfL’s site
About Día
Día Program Downloads
Questions or comments about LITT: Latine chats? Contact Ismael Mendoza Medina