“It’s not about manipulation. It’s about showing respect for what they need.” – MySpace

I think it is crucial for anyone working in libraries today to “get it” and understand what millenials want. Anyone working in libraries today needs to learn about the ideas in Patricia Martin’s new book Tipping the Culture – available free online – you can read it on your desktop, laptop, Nook, Kindle or phone. Martin just recently electronically published Tipping the Culture. You can access it here: http://tippingtheculture.com/ after walking  through the first few questions. 

Patricia Martin was the keynote speaker at Internet Librarian. She wrote a book called RenGen, renaissance generation : the rise of the cultural consumer–and what it means to your business. At IL Martin spoke about how the ideas in RenGen apply to libraries, and I found her talk to be very thought provoking in regards to the future of libraries (you can view the keynote address here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10418660 ).