National Library Week is April 9 – 15, 2017. First observed in 1958, National Library Week is a campaign sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries across the country. Each April, the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians are celebrated and library use is promoted. All types of libraries — school, public, academic, and special — participate. “Libraries Transform” is this year’s theme.
Part of the fun during National Library Week is Snapshot Day. Libraries select one day during National Library Week that best represents their library’s activities, and they document all of the happenings.
Idaho Library Snapshot Day is designed to capture the impact Idaho libraries have on their communities during a typical day. It is also a great time to collect comments and take photos for your website or other promotional materials.
After their Snapshot Day, each library will enter their results in an online survey at: (Or, if you prefer, a Word and PDF version of the survey is attached below.)
All of the results for participating Idaho libraries will be compiled and posted on this website. You may also submit some of your Snapshot Day photos (1 MB – 3 MB) to Donna Eggers at:
Our collective statistics, photos, and stories are a wonderfully unique and telling way to showcase the growth and importance of libraries in Idaho, which is particularly important at this pivotal time.
Tools to make your Snapshot Day even easier are:
Snapshot Day logo
Printable version of the results survey (PDF)
Printable version of the results survey (Word)
Photo release (PDF)
Photo release (Word)
Photography flyer (PDF)
Photography flyer (Word)
Comment form (PDF)
Comment form (Word)
“Brag about your results” suggestions (PDF)
“Brag about your results” suggestions (Word)
Library Week Press Release