Welcoming Libraries Grant
The Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Welcoming Libraries Grant of $1,000 is available to Idaho public, school, or tribal libraries working with children. The grant focuses on supporting activities that improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in libraries to better serve Idaho’s underserved groups of children. These grants support libraries as they work to make their materials, programs, and spaces more welcoming and accessible to all children.
Grantees will each participate in professional development for library staff to increase staff understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics related to their grant request and select one or more of the following four grant activity areas:
- Conduct a community assessment to gain a better understanding of those who are going underserved in their community and identify gaps in viewpoints or experiences that are underrepresented in the library’s collection, programs, and spaces.
- Conduct a collection diversity audit of all or a portion of the library’s collection for children. This will be followed by collection purchases focused on inclusive representation, along with promotion of these new resources.
- Conduct a storytime diversity audit followed by updated storytime program curriculum, resource purchasing, and promotion.
- Create or modify current children’s programming, the library’s physical space, or the library’s virtual space to meet the developmental, cognitive, and/or neurological needs of library patrons, ensuring library programs, materials, and spaces are welcoming and accessible to all.
- Design an outreach plan and conduct outreach services (programs, partnering, and information sharing) to strategically identified underserved groups of children or adults to meet unmet needs in your community.
The Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) will provide professional development options, grant resource ideas, and a group orientation to all grantees at the beginning of the grant period. Library consultation services will also be available to grantees throughout the grant period.
This program is administered by the ICfL and is made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Grant Application Open: October 9 – November 8, 2024
Grant Period: December 1, 2024 – March 30, 2025
Grant Application
Continuing Education Summary
Grant Report
Looking for library tools and professional development to support Welcoming Libraries Grants? Visit our Idaho Niche Academy module for helpful resources at: https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho/course/56687.
Questions? Contact Outreach and Community Engagement Consultant Kristina Taylor at kristina.taylor@libraries.idaho.gov, (208) 639-4136, or Grants/Contracts Officer Jamie Thill at jamie.thill@libraries.idaho.gov, (208) 639-4153.
This program is brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.