Welcoming Libraries GrantWelcoming Libraries Grant

The Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Welcoming Libraries Grant of $1,000 is available to Idaho public, school, or tribal libraries working with children. The grant focuses on supporting activities that improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in libraries to better serve Idaho’s underserved groups of children. These grants support libraries as they work to make their materials, programs, and spaces more welcoming and accessible to all children.

Grantees will each participate in professional development for library staff to increase staff understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics related to their grant request and select one or more of the following four grant activity areas:

  • Conduct a community assessment to gain a better understanding of those who are going underserved in their community and identify gaps in viewpoints or experiences that are underrepresented in the library’s collection, programs, and spaces.
  • Conduct a collection diversity audit of all or a portion of the library’s collection for children. This will be followed by collection purchases focused on inclusive representation, along with promotion of these new resources.
  • Conduct a storytime diversity audit followed by updated storytime program curriculum, resource purchasing, and promotion.
  • Create or modify current children’s programming, the library’s physical space, or the library’s virtual space to meet the developmental, cognitive, and/or neurological needs of library patrons, ensuring library programs, materials, and spaces are welcoming and accessible to all.
  • Design an outreach plan and conduct outreach services (programs, partnering, and information sharing) to strategically identified underserved groups of children or adults to meet unmet needs in your community.

The Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) will provide professional development options, grant resource ideas, and a group orientation to all grantees at the beginning of the grant period. Library consultation services will also be available to grantees throughout the grant period.

This program is administered by the ICfL and is made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

Grant Application Open: October 9 – November 8, 2024

Grant Period: December 1, 2024 – March 30, 2025

A. Build the institutional capacity of libraries to best serve their communities by increasing (1) their understanding of the specific communities they serve; (2) identifying gaps in their services; and (3) addressing these gaps.

B. Strengthen the role of libraries and library staff as community connectors as they work to make their library spaces more welcoming to all while increasing access for underserved children to diverse, equitable, and inclusive books, programming, and resources.

C. Increase equitable access to information and reading materials by increasing the amount of diversity, equity, and inclusion materials libraries provide.

This grant is open to public and school libraries in Idaho. One application/award per library legal entity. Multi-branch systems may submit individual applications for each branch or library location. In order to be eligible, the library must be able to serve children. Applying school libraries muse have at least a part-time librarian and the school librarian must be the main coordinator for the grant. For definitions of library types, please see ICfL’s grant eligibility requirements at https: /libraries.idaho.gov/grants-funding/grant-eligibility/.

To apply for this grant, the organization must provide a non-proprietary Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number from the federal System of Award Management (SAM). The UEI is a requirement for grantees receiving federal funds administered by the ICfL and replaces the requirement for a DUNS number. Obtaining a UEI is free, but can take upwards of a week to several months if your entity is not already in the SAM system. Please see the SAM website for more

information: https: /sam.gov/content/home. Most school districts already have a UEI number, which can be obtained from the business office.

Required  Activities – 

The library agrees to:

  • Participate in a post-award webinar for approved applicants in December 2024 to review resources and ask questions of ICfL staff and/or other library grantees.
  • Complete a minimum of one continuing education course on diversity, equity, and inclusion in libraries via any library-related educational venue. Approved venues include, but are not limited to, ICfL’s NICHE Academy; Library Juice; Info People; Library Journal; School Library Journal; and the American Library Association. The course must be completed at the start of the grant period, by February 15, 2025, so it informs the grant activities and
  • Expend grant funds on activities that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion for underserved children/youth in their community.
  • Choose and implement one of the following activities to complete:
    • Conduct a community assessment or gather information about the community through focus groups or community interviews, in order to gain a better understanding of those served, those who are going underserved, and to ensure all viewpoints/experiences are represented in the library’s collection, programs, and spaces.
    • Conduct a collection diversity/inclusion audit of all or a portion of the library’s collection for children/youth, resulting in targeted collection purchasing for inclusive representation and promotion of these new resources. This may also include a marketing or display audit.
    • Conduct a storytime diversity/inclusion audit of all or a portion of the library’s storytime curriculum, resulting in targeted or updated storytime programming, resource purchasing, and promotion.
    • Create or modify current children’s programming, the library’s physical space, or the library’s virtual space to meet the developmental, cognitive, and/or neurological needs of library patrons, ensuring library programs, materials, and spaces are welcoming and accessible to all.

Submit Applications: October 9 – November 8, 2024

Grant Period: January 1 – March 30, 2025

Attend Virtual Training Session: December 10, 2024

Complete Continuing Education Course by: February 15, 2025

Final Report Due: March 30, 2025

Allowable A grantee may only use program funds for allowable costs, as defined in the federal grant funds Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. Part 200), which includes the requirement that costs be reasonable and necessary for the accomplishment of program objectives.

Up to $1,000 (100%) of the grant funds may be spent on materials, services, and supplies which support one of the four activity areas listed above. The following is an abbreviated list of allowable grant expenses. It is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Applicants should contact the ICfL if they are unsure if their proposed idea/expenditure is allowable.

  1. Books for children/youth presenting a variety of viewpoints and subjects, which support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
  2. Materials and supplies to support the diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts of the library including those that increase access for children with disabilities such as assistive technology, activity materials, sensory kits, bookmarks, posters, and Furniture is allowable if specifically intended to increase access for underserved youth who do not currently have the equipment/means necessary to access library services.
  3. Training and education costs for staff, including books and related travel expenses. Costs must be directly related to the purpose and successful fulfillment of this grant.
  4. Professional and consultant services such as those for translation, guest speakers, or facilitators that support the purposes of the grant.
  5. Services to increase accessibility of library services such as those used for technological connectivity and Grant funds may only be used to pay for services provided during the grant period.
  6. Advertising or publicity specifically related to the grant such as publishing dates and times of activities or informing the public of the library’s resources related to the grant.

If grantees have any uncertainty regarding allowable expenditures, please contact Youth Services Project Coordinator Kristina Taylor.

Non-Allowable The following is an abbreviated list of non-allowable grant expenses. It is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Applicants should contact the ICfL if they are unsure if a cost is allowable. The following items are not allowable grant expenses:

  1. Food and Food is allowable if used primarily as a supply in a learning activity.
  2. Capital expenditures related to the purchase of real property, buildings, or motor
  3. Construction expenditures related to the improvement or expansion of buildings and
  4. Advertising or publicity not related directly to the programs carried out through the
  5. Promotional items and memorabilia, including models, gifts, and
  6. General purpose supplies and materials including technology, which is not specifically intended to serve children who currently lack access to library resources due to personal or familial Assistive technology and equipment is allowable.

If grantees have any uncertainty regarding allowable expenditures, please contact Youth Services Project Coordinator Kristina Taylor.

Looking for library tools and professional development to support Welcoming Libraries Grants? Visit our Idaho Niche Academy module for helpful resources at: https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho/course/56687.

Or Email Project Coordinator Kristina Taylor for a full suite of resources.

Document grant expenditures through receipts, payroll reports, accounting system reports, and/or invoices. Spending documentation must be submitted with the final report. Any grant funds not accounted for through documented spending must be returned to the ICfL.

Submit a continuing education report by February 15, 2025. Submit final report by March 30, 2025. The link to both reports can be accessed from the Welcoming Libraries webpage: https: /libraries.idaho.gov/rtm/welcoming-libraries-grant/.

The grant report is formatted in Jotform. It is recommended that you compose all of your narrative answers in a Word or Google doc and then cut and paste into the Jotform when you are ready to submit as Jotform will not save entries until you select the “Submit” button.

Last Year's Grant Application

Grant Application


Last Year's Grant Application
Last Year's CE Summary Form

Continuing Education Summary

Last Year's CE Summary Form
Last Year's Grant Report Form

Grant Report

Last Year's Grant Report Form

Looking for library tools and professional development to support Welcoming Libraries Grants? Visit our Idaho Niche Academy module for helpful resources at: https://my.nicheacademy.com/idaho/course/56687.

Questions? Contact Outreach and Community Engagement Consultant Kristina Taylor at kristina.taylor@libraries.idaho.gov, (208) 639-4136, or Grants/Contracts Officer Jamie Thill at jamie.thill@libraries.idaho.gov, (208) 639-4153.

This program is brought to you by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and was made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Kristina Taylor

Kristina Taylor

Outreach & Community Engagement Consultant
Email / 208-639-4136
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