Okay, so this might not be the 347th time someone has advised you to use Webjunction – though Shirley B. does a great job of monthly, if not weekly, encouraging – but it is definitely a great resource for Idaho libraries of all sorts and sizes. Look, I know what you’re saying to yourself right now – “Oh, great! Another thing to add to my great resources list and NEVER LOOK AT.” But give it at least fifteen minutes and I’ll bet you’ll find something really cool – and that you’ll come back to it.
For example, take me. I see those email reminders and think, “Cool topic. I don’t have time right now, but I’ll think about it.” And then I delete it from my inbox. Questionable choice. But, last week, I saw a webinar that appealed to me – “Beyond Book Clubs: Fun Library Programs for Adult Readers” – and I decided to sign up. The webinar lasted an hour, and I got a ton of cool ideas (plus a little validation for a couple current programs, which is never a bad thing, imho…). Afterwards, I got a link back to the slides and the recorded webinar, just in case I wanted to revisit it. And, then, I did!
In addition to basic library skills courses (ABLE), Webjunction has courses on topics specific to library types (small/rural, say) or general enough to help all libraries. You can even take a look at webinars you missed, or didn’t even know existed, in their archived courses section. And, best of all, Webjunction covers a wide geographic area. In the webinar I attended yesterday, librarians from as far away as the UK chimed in with ideas and tips.
So, what I’m saying is, try it out – before I have to remind you for the 348th time!