Early Literacy in Action LogoThe Early Literacy in Action workshop is facilitated by trained library staff, and teaches those working with young children how to incorporate early literacy skills into their classroom routines and curriculum. Attendees receive a literacy kit containing books and materials to take back to their classroom.

This workshop is approved through the Idaho State Training and Registry (IdahoSTARS), and each attendee may receive three IdahoSTARS credits at no cost.

Applications from public libraries interested in hosting a workshop are accepted until February 15 of each state fiscal year and will be granted as funding allows on a first-come, first-served basis.

The program has the following goals:

  1. Children hear at least one story a day in child care/school and at least one at home.
  2. Children have adequate access to developmentally-appropriate print materials in child care/classroom settings.
  3. Child care providers/teachers are trained to promote early language and literacy.
  4. Child care providers/teachers utilize their local library’s in-house and outreach resources and programs.

Workshop: The ELIA workshop is designed to give early learning providers and teachers a basic understanding of the Six Early Literacy Skills, easy ways to incorporate early literacy into the classroom environment, why access to books is so critically important for young children, and how the public library can help support early learning in their centers, classrooms, and home sites.

This workshop is not intended to provide an in-depth knowledge of early literacy or child development; rather it introduces participants to six early literacy skills (ECRR 1) that they can develop with their children in informal, fun, inexpensive, active ways as part of their daily routines and curriculum.


  1. Libraries apply to host a workshop and choose a date
  2. Library staff can facilitate the workshop if they are authorized by ICfL OR they can request a facilitator, which ICfL will provide at no cost to the library
  3. Library is responsible for registration, promotion, and facility
  4. Workshop is three hours in length (can be facilitated all at once or in increments)
  5. A workshop script and presentation slides are provided
  6. ICfL provides contents for literacy kits and some required handouts, as well as consultation and training for facilitators
  7. Attendees can receive three free IdahoSTARS credits
  8. Attendees receive a literacy kit (one per classroom)
  9. Workshop facilitator agrees to all requirements and processes (see below)

IdahoSTARS is the expert and resource for quality child care in Idaho. IdahoSTARS approved training can support child care providers as they increase their knowledge across seven quality domains and stay current on best practices in the field of early care and education.

The ELIA workshop is an IdahoSTARS approved training. As such, ICfL works closely with IdahoSTARS to offer attendees three STARS credits at no cost upon completion of the workshop. ICfL adheres to the IdahoSTARS requirements for high-quality training and qualified facilitators.

To learn more about IdahoSTARS visit www.idahostars.org.

An “Authorized Facilitator” must facilitate or co-facilitate the ELIA workshop, if IdahoSTARS credits are offered.

ICfL is the “Approved Trainer” for this course, as required by IdahoSTARS; however, library staff can be authorized by ICfL to facilitate this workshop at their library. An Authorized Facilitator must have:

  • Experience presenting material to adults
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the Six Early Literacy Skills (Every Child Ready to Read 1)
  • Library degree or Education degree (preferably MLIS or MA), or extensive experience in library or education field

Contact staci.shaw@libraries.idaho.gov if you are interested in becoming an Authorized Facilitator

Libraries that want to host a workshop can request an Authorized Facilitator from ICfL/ Read to Me. The Facilitator will be provided at no cost to the library.

Current Authorized Facilitators include experienced librarians around the state and Read to Me staff. Once a Facilitator is selected, the library will work directly with the Facilitator to plan, promote, and implement the workshop.

The following must be included in the ELIA workshop content and design:

  • Workshop is at least three hours in length, and includes a 15 – 20 minute break
  • Key Points: refer to the ELIA script (see Workshop Resources below)
  • Refer to Idaho Early Learning eGuidelines
  • Modifications of material to include all children and families (poverty, disabilities, family structure, language, etc.).
  • All three types of learning styles: auditory, kinesthetic and visual
  • Current, scholarly sources and research (see Workshop Resources below)
  • Required Handouts: ELIA Evaluation (see below), one-page list of Six Early Literacy Skills, a bibliography of books and other resources used in workshop, and The Bookworm bookmark.
  • Certificate of Completion for attendees (see below)

Certificates of Completion for Attendees:

To earn their three IdahoSTARS credits, providers must receive a certificate of completion signed by the Authorized Facilitator, and upload a photo of the certificate to their IdahoSTARS account.

ICfL will provide certificates. Host Libraries will request one of the following formats:

  • PDF Template: Host Library will type in each attendee’s name from Registration List, Facilitator name, date, and location, and print each certificate in color in-house, and sign each one.
  • ICfL will pre-fill Facilitator name, date, and location, and print copies in color to send with Literacy Kit materials; Host library can write in each attendee’s name and sign. No printing required by library.

Please do not hand out any certificate to an attendee without that attendee’s name written or typed on it.

Please do not provide any blank certificates for any reason, or make blank templates available electronically.

Attendees will receive a Literacy Kit to take back to their classroom or site, provided by ICfL. Kits are valued at approximately $200 retail.

Literacy Kits include:

  • 20 books: paperbacks, along with 2-3 board books– miscellaneous titles
  • Letter magnets: Upper and lower-case, large for classroom use
  • Music CD: Wee Sing, various titles
  • Professional resource: Resource books to use in the classroom that support early literacy skills– miscellaneous titles
  • Read to Me tote bag: All the above will be placed in the tote bag


  • To receive a Literacy Kit the attendee must attend the full three hours of the workshop and complete a workshop evaluation.
  • One Literacy Kit per classroom: If two attending teachers share a classroom, they will receive one Literacy Kit. Facilitators may provide an additional book or something similar to the other attendee if they wish. ICfL can provide some additional books for this purpose upon request.


  • Literacy Kit materials will be shipped to the host library approximately three weeks prior to the workshop.
  • Materials will be boxed by title and type. Host library must assemble kits.
  • Bilingual and/or Spanish materials are available. Please contact ICfL if you would like to include bilingual materials, or if you would like some customized bilingual or Spanish Literacy Kits.
  • Other customized materials: With adequate notice, we can order special titles or types of materials for the Kits that meet special needs (Newcomer or Refugee providers, providers working with hearing or visually impaired children, providers working with tribal children, etc.).
  • Please return leftover Kits to ICfL, unless otherwise instructed.

There are two required evaluation pieces for the ELIA workshop:

  1. Attendee Evaluation, given on-site after workshop
  2. Summary Report, submitted by Host Library
Apply Now

Early Literacy in Action Application

Applications are due February 15. Applications will be processed and librarians notified within 10 business days of receipt of application.
Apply Now


Staci Shaw

Staci Shaw

Youth Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4178
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