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9/3/19 This program was discontinued at the end of 2018.


EatPlayGrow™ is a program aimed at preschoolers and their parents that shares information about developing healthy habits along with early literacy and art activities. The program is supported by the Idaho Commission for Libraries and the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation.

Program Requirements:

  • Present at least 5 of the 11 lessons (“Sleep” lesson is required) in 2018
  • Work with a community partner (not a Friends of the Library group)
  • Survey of sample of participating parents
  • Serve at least 10 families with programming
  • Attend a program webinar or archived webinar before program implementation
  • Submit a final summary report (by December 31, 2018)

Program Description:

Healthy habits start at home and families play a critical role in forming healthy habits in their children from the early years and beyond. When families eat and play together they can replicate the healthy activities found in the curriculum. One in three Idaho children is overweight or obese. Families use and trust their public libraries in Idaho, and librarians are excited to offer ways to reinforce healthy messages with the families they serve and increase the number of children who begin school with healthy habits in place.

EatPlayGrow™ was developed by Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM) in partnership with the National Institutes of Health. The free curriculum breaks down healthy habits into a format that librarians are comfortable presenting, and parents and young children find engaging.  Extensive research showed the curriculum and activities they developed are effective in changing parent and family behavior, as well as increasing awareness and motivation about strategies that help individuals and families make healthy choices.

EatPlayGrow™ consists of a series of 11 healthy lifestyle lessons that are geared toward children under the age of six. It incorporates hands-on educational lessons along with storytelling, music, art-making and movement to teach young children and their families the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. The program focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and the importance of sleep to healthy development. It provides follow-up tools for parents to help them discuss the lessons and assist them in adapting that information into their home settings. The curriculum (available in English and Spanish) includes:

My Five Senses; GO, SLOW, WHOA; Fabulous Fruits; Move to the Beat; Energy Balance; I Love my Veggies; Perfect PortionDem Bones; Healthy Beverages; Smart Sleep; and Family Meal

Curriculum details can be found at:  www.eatplaygrow.org. The website also has video clips of activities and demonstrations for each of the 11 lessons, plus much more. You need to create your own password to access the site. Anyone can use the free curriculum and resources without officially participating in the ICfL-sponsored program.

Idaho libraries are required to partner with a community organization, business, or agency to help garner more support for the program on the local level. Libraries are also encouraged to share information with families from the High Five Idaho Children’s Health Collaborative, http://highfiveidaho.org/.  ICfL will supply books and handouts for parents to take home so they can immediately put into practice the lessons learned, and ensure that consistent evaluations are completed in a timely manner.

Questions? Please contact Read to Me Project Coordinator, Kristina Taylor, at
(208) 639-4136 or kristina.taylor@libraries.idaho.gov.