Every Child Ready to Read Family Workshop is a series of three 45-minute sessions that involve young children and their parents in learning about early literacy practices that help prepare children to be successful in school. Early literacy practices are highlighted and parents have a chance to practice them with their child. Fun interactive activities, practical tips, and resources are shared during each session. Materials for families and your library are available from the Read to Me program at no cost to your publicly-funded Idaho library. Workshop scripts in English and Spanish are provided.

Libraries agree to each of the following:

  • To host a series of 3 family workshops. Workshops should loosely follow the ECRTR  scripts.
  • To request supplies 3 weeks before first workshop
  • To have each family complete a survey and return these to ICfL no later than two weeks after the final workshop
  • To complete an online report summary no later than two weeks after the final workshop

Libraries will receive the following items to support their workshops:

  • 1  music CD to give away for each family in attendance
  • 1 book to give away for each family in attendance
  • 1 set of magnetic letters  to give away for each family in attendance
  • ICfL literacy support materials to use as resources  – as requested here

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The following forms must be completed and returned to ICfL within two weeks
of completing the workshop series:

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If you have any questions, please contact:

Jennifer Redford

Jennifer Redford

Youth Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4147
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