If you are a library director/manager/point of contact for all things OCLC, and your library currently participates in our statewide resource-sharing agreement, you should have received your annual renewal notice for ShareIdaho, Idaho’s group services agreement with OCLC, via email today. If you did not receive this notice, and think you should have, please let me know. If you do not intend to make any changes to your OCLC subscription, then your task is easy: do nothing! If you do wish to make changes to your OCLC subscription, please notify me in writing (email is fine!) no later than Friday, June 5, 2020. This is important, as unless this is communicated, your current subscription for services will be automatically renewed on July 1st. If your library is interested in participating in ShareIdaho, please reach out to me. Friday, June 5, 2020 is also the enrollment deadline for new participants.
Your library will be billed directly by OCLC. Please send your payments to them. There is a choice of billing options: annual, semiannual, quarterly, or monthly. Please advise which option you prefer, and please also be advised that these options will not alter the July 1st renewal date (and commencement of the new billing cycle), regardless of billing option selected.
The ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center, our managed ILL service, was launched in November 2017 with the goal of saving smaller libraries doing 40 or fewer ILLs per year the cost of a full subscription to WorldShare ILL. The ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center is a complimentary service provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries to assist smaller libraries to meet their patrons’ needs. The borrowing library is responsible for the postage for returning an item to the lending library. Important considerations for libraries considering this participation option: 1.) participating libraries will not be independent, but rather reliant on ICfL to act as the intermediary for the library’s borrowing requests. 2.) Per OCLC policy, libraries opting for managed ILL services are not able to participate as lending libraries.
For additional information regarding ShareIdaho participation options and fee schedules, as well as for training and support, please visit our website: https://libraries.idaho.gov//shareidaho.
Please feel free to contact me at allison.floyd@libraries.idaho.gov with any questions you may have. Thank you for your participation and ongoing support of a strong resource-sharing network in Idaho.