The chart below identifies the OCLC tools available to participating ShareIdaho libraries.  The tables below identify the service packages and the services they include.

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Cataloging, Metadata, & WorldShare ServicesThis package includes the following:

  • OCLC’s collection of cataloging tools including Connexion, Record Manager, Collection Manager, and more.
  • OCLC’s WorldShare Interlibrary Loan service and the ILL Fee Management service. For Idaho participants, it will include access to OCLC’s Holdings Registration service to share local holdings information in the WorldCat Catalog.
ShareIdaho Managed ILL ServiceThe managed ILL service is for libraries with lower volumes (40 or fewer) of borrowing requests (no lending). Item requests are directed through the ShareIdaho ILL Service housed at the Idaho Commission for Libraries.

Detailed Service Packages

Cataloging, Metadata, & WorldShareShareIdaho Managed ILL
Connexion for cataloging (w/ CatExpress)X
Z39.50 CatalogingX
WolrdShare Record ManagerX
WorldShare Collection ManagerX
WorldShare Interlibrary LoanX
ILL Fee ManagementX
ShareIdaho ILL Management CenterX
Holdings RegistrationX
CONTENTdm Quick StartX
OCLC Usage StatisticsXX
WorldCat Catalog (FirstSearch &

Description of OCLC Services and Tools

Connexion for Cataloging

Copy catalog most of your new materials using WorldCat. Plus, tools for original cataloging, authority records, and alerts for updated MARC records to keep the local ILS current.

Z39.50 Cataloging

Access WorldCat to search and retrieve MARC records for cataloging, edit records in their local systems, set holding information on WorldCat, and order cataloging card sets for their local libraries.

WorldShare Record Manager

Create new and enrich existing items in WorldCat with efficient, record-at-a-time metadata management for your physical and electronic materials using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor. Plus, with Record Manager, you can set and delete WorldCat holdings and export bibliographic records.

WorldShare Collection Manager

Helps you manage your library’s metadata for electronic and print resources on a collection level with WorldCat’s knowledge base. Tools allow you to receive and edit the information you need to save staff time and help users find and access resources. Collection manager is the updated method for Batchloading.

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan

Connects you to thousands of libraries whose entire collections can be viewed at a glance in WorldCat. You can automatically incorporate your review and deflection policies, shipping information, lists of favorite lenders and other information into each request to further streamline your processes.

ILL Fee Management

Reconcile resource-sharing charges and payments through your OCLC invoice. If you’re a net borrower, you can pay fees with one payment each month. If you’re a net lender, the remaining balance goes toward your invoice.

ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center

Submit requests to borrow materials from other libraries through a central site housed at the Idaho Commission for Libraries.

Holdings Registration

Register your collection holdings in WorldCat for lending, to analyze your collection using the Collection Evaluation service, or make your holdings visible in

CONTENTdm Quick Start

With CONTENTdm “quick start,” your library will receive an OCLC-hosted CONTENTdm website with the ability to store and manage up to 100 items.

OCLC Usage Statistics

Show your stakeholders how much your users and other libraries rely on your ability to support ILL. Analyze borrowing and lending patterns in your library to refine staffing, workflows, policies and preferences.

WorldCat (FirstSearch and

Give your users the power to quickly find the exact resources they need in thousands of library collections around the world, through precision searching of WorldCat, the largest database of library bibliographic information.

Marina Rose

E-Resources Library Consultant
Email / 208-639-4165
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