What is ShareIdaho?

ShareIdaho is a resource-sharing system among Idaho libraries to build their capacity to provide access to information to their communities via cataloging, interlibrary loan, and metadata services. The Idaho Commission for Libraries pays for 40% of the statewide group services agreement with OCLC. The remaining portion is paid by participating libraries based on the library type and total patron base. By pooling their resources, ShareIdaho member libraries help one another to mitigate the expense of providing these services. The ShareIdaho Interlibrary Loan Referral Management Center is a complimentary service offered by the ICfL to smaller libraries anticipating doing a low volume of interlibrary loans (approximately 40 or fewer) but who still wish to make this service available to their patrons.

Which OCLC tools or services do I get with my enrollment?

Libraries may subscribe to either cataloging services & interlibrary loan tools or managed interlibrary loan. The description of the tools and the list of available service packages can be found on the ShareIdaho Participation Options page.

Can my library enroll now?

The enrollment for the FY2024 program year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) has concluded. Enrollment for FY2025 will begin March 1, 2024.

When can my library join or make changes to its subscription?

The open enrollment for new participants in ShareIdaho is between March and May each year. The deadline for enrollment for FY2025 is June 7, 2024.  New participating libraries will begin using the cataloging, metadata, and interlibrary loan services effective July 1, 2024, the first day of FY2025.  Information about how to use the ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center is available here: ShareIdaho Tutorials and Training.

How do I withdraw from the program?

To avoid paying the annual fees, withdrawals for FY2024 must be indicated in writing (email is fine) to ICfL by June 7, 2024. Libraries withdrawing after the start of a program year will still be responsible for the library’s annual fees.

If the library withdraws from the program after the deadline, do they need to pay the invoice?

Yes. If a library withdraws after the FY2025 deadline (June 7, 2024), the annual fees are still owed to OCLC. The fees paid by the ICfL and the other participating libraries are based on the participation commitments of the libraries. Libraries are responsible for paying the fees for their enrolled services. Refunds will not be permitted.

My library wants to enroll for the first time or re-enroll after a withdrawal period. What do I need to do? 

Never fear! Contact Marina Rose at marina.rose@libraries.idaho.gov or (208) 639-4165 to obtain an enrollment form with pricing customized for your library based on size, type, and desired participation option. Enrollment will be for FY25 with service beginning July 1, 2024.

How were my annual fees determined?

Annual fees are determined by library type (public, academic, special/private, school) and your total patron/user base.

When will I get an invoice?

Invoices for the annual enrollment fees are billed by OCLC on the July invoice each year. The July invoice typically arrives at the library during the month of August. Amounts due on the invoices should be paid directly to OCLC by the due date. OCLC will assess late fees for unpaid balances.

Who can use the ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center?

Any library with low borrowing activity can use the Management Center. Generally, a library borrowing fewer than 40 items per year will find using the Management Center more economical.

Can my library use the ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center if we borrow more than 40 items?

Yes. Within reason, a library may use the Management Center if it borrows more than 40 items yearly. The ICfL recommends considering the cost of postage for returning borrowed items and staff time costs/savings when considering whether to use the Management Center or facilitate their own interlibrary loan activities.

What are the fees for using the ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center?

The ShareIdaho ILL Referral Management Center is a complimentary service provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries to assist smaller libraries in building their capacity to meet their patrons’ needs without incurring the expense of a full OCLC subscription. The borrowing library is responsible for the postage for returning an item to the lending library.

Can my library loan materials to other libraries if I use the Management Center?

No. The Management Center is just for borrowing. Per OCLC policy, libraries loaning materials to others will want to subscribe to the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan package.

Where can I find training on the OCLC tools?

Tutorials, live webinars, and printable support tools can be found on the ShareIdaho Support and Training site.

Marina Rose headshot

Marina Rose

E-Resources Library Consultant
Email / 208-639-4165
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