In my perusals and journeys through the library infosphere, Slideshare is a website that I have stumbled across multiple times. Basically, instead of presenting a PowerPoint and have your participants forget it in a couple of hours (unless they took notes or you just knocked them dead of course), you could just share the PowerPoint and have them look at it again and again.

While Slideshare’s primary purpose is sharing presentations, it supports documents, PDFs, videos, and webinars. Slideshare allows you to easily embed a presentation on a blog or website, share on social media, or download a presentation that you found of particular interest.

The Zipcast feature allows you free, no-download web meetings, and Slidecast allows you to sync MP3 audio files with slides to create a webinar. Slideshare also boasts 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million monthly pageviews.

Although I haven’t uploaded any presentations myself, I’ve glanced over the slides of multiple presentations that I wished I could have attended, and some places like ALA TechSource even have their webinar presentations archived on Slideshare. Needless to say, I get more and more excited the more I find out about Slideshare, and I’ll definitely be uploading and browsing in the future.