One of the things I love very most about SPLAT is getting the opportunity to explore ideas, tools, and trends to share with other people. I’m a sharer (some might say over-sharer) at heart, so this is always very fun for me. Recently, a few of us got the chance to present some of our favorite tricks at the Garden City Public Library’s staff development day. I threw together a Prezi for the occasion (which you can find at The accompanying notes are listed below. Hope you can all find something from it to use or explore. Enjoy!

Bookmyne: This is a Sirsi-Dynix app, but it allows a patron access to multiple accounts from multiple libraries (meaning if my mom’s library used Sirsi-Dynix/Bookmyne, I could access her Washington library card using the same app that I access my Meridian, ID card on–I love this functionality!).

Overdrive: You can share books from OverDrive straight to your library’s Facebook page. Here’s the trick: log into your Facebook account and select “Use Facebook as <page>” BEFORE going to OverDrive. If it gives you trouble, email me. :)

Facebook & Twitter: So, I’ve been saying for about a year now that I’m going to provide a how-to post about connecting Facebook & Twitter accounts, and I have yet to do it. Keep your eyes peeled (if this interests you) in the next few weeks. I really am going to post it this time. If you have questions before then, email me. Or contact that highly talented Travis Porter at the Ada Community Library, as he’s the one who provided me with instructions in the first place. 

Revisit: This is pretty self-explanatory from the Prezi.

AirProjector: This has been a little glitchy for me, but it’s pretty cool when it works. I think there’s probably an Android corollary app, but I don’t know what it is. Please comment if you know about one or use one.

iDoneThis: Now available for smart phones, too!

GeniusScan: Just used this for the first time the other day to create a color reproduction of a flyer–it worked surprisingly well. It works like this: scan document with smart phone. Email/Dropbox pdf to yourself or someone else. Print pdf on color printer. It’s a great work-around if you don’t have a color scanner but need a color reproduction.