Keeping Idaho Libraries Curious

SPLAT members work in libraries across Idaho and scan for innovative library practices so they can propose and lead pilot projects to benefit libraries in Idaho and beyond.

Curiosity Report

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Crush Corner

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Fail Forward

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A huge thank you for being part of the SPLAT presentations! I had the privilege of enjoying the technology at the Ririe City Library and it was phenomenal. Thank you to you and all members of the SPLAT team for making these things available to our community!
Pamela Huffaker, Ririe City Library Chair
A fun opportunity to free your mind and think about the future in a safe and creative environment!
ILA 2023 Participant, Things From Future Libraries
Being a member of SPLAT has been one of the most valuable experiences I have had in my school librarian career, one that I enjoyed immensely. What I learned through our meetings and conversations with amazing library folk not only helped me grow as a professional (and a human being), it will also help shape my goals as I continue as an educator.
Gretchen Perkins, Caldwell School District
Being part of SPLAT taught me many valuable lessons, and one I appreciate the most was being exposed to the many creative ways library staff serve their communities.
Memo Cordova, Albertsons Library - Boise State University

Current Projects

participant at Futures Thinking workshop

Futures Thinking

Discover Futures Thinking and how it can help you navigate and embrace change in your library. The SPLAT team has curated toolkits and other resources to help library staff understand, adopt, and share a futures thinking mindset.

History of SPLAT



photograph of a group of people standing outside, some are looking at technology

In the beginning, SPLAT offered a self-paced six week online course covering internet technologies. Each week included 1-3 hours of activities, including creating a blog, editing a wiki, and adding titles in LibraryThing. Over 100 people completed at least 5 of the 6 topics and earned a certificate of achievement. In March 2009 SPLAT offered a reprise, making the courses available online for others to discover.

Gizmo Garages


a group of people standing in front of two computers

In 2012 SPLAT started offering borrowable kits of e-readers and tablets with the goal of introducing this technology to library staff in rural Idaho, with ideas for how to incorporate new technology into library programming. There were many conversations about ebooks, formats and access.

Summer Adventures


a group of people

Starting in 2013, SPLAT came to you with face-to-face outreach to 44 libraries. We divided SPLAT members into teams, who offered professional development for library staff and library events for the public. You can read about our road trips here.

Idea Labs


two men sit near a 3D printer

In 2015, SPLAT began offering borrowable kits of robots, circuits, 3D printers, and more. This was an evolution of Gizmo Garages that focused on emerging technologies, especially robots and 3D printing.

Curiosity Report


a group of people outside

Starting in 2018, SPLAT began sharing the inspiring and cool things we find with a regular newsletter. This offers an opportunity for community submissions so SPLAT members get to facilitate cross-state communication, and helps SPLAT members share their expertise without travelling. Most of all, SPLAT is interested in helping libraries be future ready.

Deana Brown headshot

Deana Brown

Adult Services Consultant
Email / 208-639-4156
Read my Blogs

Annie Gaines

CE Consultant
Email / 208-639-4151
Read my Blogs