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The Curiosity Report

Welcome to SPLAT’s Curiosity Report, an email newsletter sharing insights, links, and observations for the Idaho library community. There will be a new issue every other Friday featuring content written for you by SPLAT members. We hope you’ll indulge your curiosity with us and share with your friends!

Want to make sure you’re in the loop and don’t miss an issue? Just use the form below to subscribe! An archive of past newsletters will soon be available. We are currently transitioning the Curiosity Report from one distribution platform to another, stay tuned for our next issue!


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Got a Fail Forward or Crush Corner you’d like SPLAT to share in The Curiosity Report? Share your story via our online form so we can publish it in a future issue!

To make room for The Curiosity Report, the SPLAT Blog has been archived. You can access all 10+ years of SPLAT blog posts here.