At my branch we noticed that during these tough economic times that our patrons needed one-on-one trainings to become technologically literate. So some amazing staff at the Library! at Collister (a branch of Boise Public Library) came up with this program to have the community help the community called the “Tech Coach” program. We used to find community members who could volunteer for the library and offer one-on-one trainings for one hour sessions. We have had times when our program was booked up weeks in advance. During the sessions patrons can learn more about the internet, email, social networking, basic computer skills, Microsoft Office, internet searching skills etc. The Tech Coaches do not however, do IT work for the patrons. The feedback from our customers who have used the program has been phenomenal as well. The best of the program to me besides promoting technological literacy is that the community is truly helping the community. If you would like to learn more about this program and how to implement at your library please post a comment and I can give you the staff member’s contact info who manage the program.