2017 PSAs promoting summer reading are available from the CSLP website for your use and distribution: www.cslpreads.org/2017-psas.
Enjoy and share these PSAs targeted to children and to adults, along with several messages from 2017 National Summer Reading Champion, mulitple award-winning author Kwame Alexander. The PSAs in this collection are great for sharing on social media and library websites, and not all of them use the “Build a Better World” slogan if your library is using something different.
To obtain customizable PSAs, and for additional formats used by broadcase stations,log in to the CSLP website and go to the Proprietary Downloads page. If you don’t whave an account on the CSLP website, go to www.cslpreads.org and click on “Login/Rigister” at the top of the page. Registration requires approval, so you will not be able to access the member’s-only resources until you receive an email from CSLP acknowledging your membership. Registration is free and available to any public library staff member. Registration allows youto access a variety of free “extras,” including the broadcase-quality PSAs.