The application for this year’s Summer STEM from Your Library grant is now open. This grant is open to publicly funded school, public, tribal, or academic Idaho libraries that meet the ICfL’s grant eligibility requirements (found here: Eligible applicants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Find out more about the Summer STEM grant here:

The Idaho Commission for Libraries will award up to 70 public, school, academic, or special (including tribal) libraries $500 each to help pay for materials or presenters to support STEM programming efforts during the summer. The Summer STEM from Your Library program has three primary goals:

  • Increase access to fun, engaging, hands-on STEM activities for underserved youth beyond the normal library programming efforts.
  • Increase children’s access to books over the summer months.
  • Increase the number of children who minimize learning loss during the summer.

Let’s get ready for summer! The application deadline for this grant is February 28. Apply for a Summer STEM grant today: