15 01, 2025

LITT: Telehealth

By |January 15th, 2025||

Let's celebrate your successes and learn from your challenges! This chat is an opportunity for libraries and partner organizations to connect about telehealth by sharing resources, successes, and challenges. All [...]

15 01, 2025

LITT: Telehealth

By |January 15th, 2025||

This time around we'll get updates from libraries offering telehealth services. Let's celebrate your successes and learn from your challenges! This chat is an opportunity for libraries and partner organizations [...]

26 09, 2024

LITT: Telehealth

By |September 26th, 2024||

This time around, let's talk about how you're marketing your telehealth services. This chat is an opportunity for libraries and partner organizations to connect about telehealth by sharing resources, successes, [...]

7 12, 2023

Telehealth Roundtable and Office Hours

By |December 7th, 2023|

When: 1st Thursday of each month at 2pm MT/ 1pm PT Where: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83383712444?pwd=RjZOYmZ1SlYvM0x0VGtrb0RpdUs5UT09  (See below for link to download a reoccurring Outlook calendar appointment) What: This is an optional standing [...]

7 12, 2023

Telehealth Roundtable and Office Hours

By |December 7th, 2023|

When: 1st Thursday of each month at 2pm MT/ 1pm PT Where: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83383712444?pwd=RjZOYmZ1SlYvM0x0VGtrb0RpdUs5UT09  (See below for link to download a reoccurring Outlook calendar appointment) What: This is an optional standing [...]

7 12, 2023

Telehealth Roundtable and Office Hours

By |December 7th, 2023|

When: 1st Thursday of each month at 2pm MT/ 1pm PT Where: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83383712444?pwd=RjZOYmZ1SlYvM0x0VGtrb0RpdUs5UT09  (See below for link to download a reoccurring Outlook calendar appointment) What: This is an optional standing [...]

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