I have used Facebook to connect with my students, and library patrons. They hop onto Facebook and send me questions, either on my wall, or via messaging. They chat with me instantly if I happen to be on there, and this sends them a message: Amy is here and available for me to talk to.
They’ve responded really quite well. Another issue, however, are some more advanced ways to use Facebook in the library setting. Is this a limited tool? Or can we leverage Facebook to teach important aspects of information retrieval?
I just read this article, “From friending to research” http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/1/28.short by Anne Pemberton which can help explain:
- tagging – it’s just like a controlled vocabulary
- privacy settings in the library as well as Facebook
- the Facebook interface will change, just like the interface for WorldCat will change
- Facebook is a database just like Academic Search Premier and JSTOR
Either way, these are helpful ideas. So starting a Facebook page for your library, or your teens, or your book club, is really only the tip of the iceberg. Don’t forget to help people learn these important tools!