I came back from ILA and our SPLAT meeting revved up about technology and ready for the Teens & Tech class that Stephanie & I are taking.
This week, we had to create a MySpace account and link it to the class Wiki (which is private, or I'd link it…). When I went to link my MySpace account, I erased everyone else's links (and I saved it that way! Argh!!!) Disaster! But it wasn't a disaster because wikis keep a history of past pages. The instructor pulled up the saved page I'd erased, and I re-linked my info. Everything was fixed in minutes.
I'd always wondered how and why wikis really worked. One person out to create havoc could easily erase pages of co-authored information. Total treachery! Instead, they really are a safe place (and very easy to navigate and use!) for co-authorship & creation. Learn all about wikis through wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_create_policy
So far I am loving the class! To take an online class related to teens, check out YALSA's offerings: http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/onlinecourses/info.htm