The Idaho Commission for Libraries has partnered with Idaho Fish and Game to offer a special WILD About Early Learners training just for library staff prior to the start of Idaho Family Reading Week! The training has been adapted from a fee-based, in-person training and will now be offered free to all library staff as a virtual-asynchronous combination training.
WILD About Early Learners is part of Project WILD’s national curriculum dedicated to teaching kids how to think, not what to think, about the environment in which we live. The training is being offered in conjunction with ICfL’s Idaho Family Reading Week program (since our program theme this is year is all about animals) but the training learnings can be applied throughout the year in (and around) your library. (Staff from all Idaho libraries are eligible for this free training – public library, school library, tribal library, or academic library – if you work with early learners. )
Learn ways to integrate meaningful lessons into your library programs related to Idaho animals and habitats. Our friends at Fish & Game have tied almost every activity to a book, which is a bonus for you. Join us for one 45-minute virtual session (this session is required of all who register), during which Lori Adams, curriculum designer, will introduce you to the Google Sites website format and content. You will then decide how and when to work through the online content independently (participants will have access to the Google Sites indefinitely). ICfL staff will mail you one copy of the 82-page WILD About Early Learners Guide (for educators) that can be used to boost your FRW programming and is yours to keep! In the specialized guide, you’ll find activities, music and movement, resource lists, home connections, and more that will help you open doors to the outdoors! ICfL-IFG will offer the virtual session on three days, at three different times. Choices for the required virtual information session are:
- Wednesday, September 21 — 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. MT
- Friday, September 23 — 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. MT
- Tuesday, September 27 — 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. MT
Please Note:
- More than one library staff member from the same library or branch are welcome to attend this training, either at the same session or different sessions. However, depending on overall registration numbers, ICfL MAY only be able to send the library one copy of the 82-page guide from Idaho Fish & Game (due to budget constraints) to be shared among the training attendees at your library. Please register, separately, as many library staff members as would like to attend the training and ICfL will be in touch after registration closes regarding how many guides we can send your library. Thank you for your understanding.
- Registration will remain open until September 20, however if you register right before the first training, you may not receive your educator guide in time to use during the training session.
- This is a separate registration from Idaho Family Reading Week (FRW). FRW program registration opens September 15.
Questions? Contact Kristina Taylor, ICfL Youth Services Project Coordinator.