Different types of robots were a large part of our last quarterly SPLAT meeting, and have also been a focus of many of my outreach programs this Spring semester. Robots have a unique ability to grab people’s attention, provide an opportunity to use 21st-century skills, and also give them a fantastic amount of coding experience. With so many kinds of robots available, I figured I’d share some of my favorite robots, and some quick data points to help you decide if some of them might work for you.


Price: $49
Programming Input: Graphical Computer Interface, Pre-Programmed Barcodes, TV/DVD Remote Controls, Sensors
Compatible with LEGO elements, these versatile robots can be programmed using an open-source programming language, pre-programmable barcodes, or can be taught to learn commands from a TV/DVD remote.





Price: $59.95
Programming Input: Graphical Computer Interface, Multiple Device Applications, Drawn Colored Lines
These tiny robots will follow lines on a piece of paper, follow lines on a device application, or you can program them using a web-based drag and drop programming experience.





Sphero SPRK
Price: $129.99
Programming Input: Multiple Device Applications
Connecting to your device through Bluetooth, this powerful sphere can be piloted from a device application, or coded to perform tasks using a drag and drop program on your device.






Dash and Dot
Price: $199.95
Programming Input: Multiple Device Applications, Sensors
Designed for younger users, these adorable robots can interact with each other, and applications on your device for hours of coding experience and fun.


LEGO Mindstorms

LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Price: $349.99
Programming Input: Graphical Computer Interface, Multiple Device Applications, Sensors
A robust robotic experience, LEGO Mindstorms allows you to build your own robot with LEGO elements, and then program your robot using your computer, or your device.