As a state agency, the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL) must conduct its business in accordance with the current Idaho Administrative Code.
The Idaho Commission for Libraries has submitted a notice of proposed rulemaking under the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act. The proposed changes address two ICfL programs:
* Grant programs: revises eligibility requirements for (federal) LSTA grants and applies the same requirements to state-funded grants.
* Talking Book Service: reflects the move to digital and downloadable content and alignment to current National Library Service guidelines.
The proposed rules are available in the July 4, 2018 issue of the Idaho Administrative Bulletin,, IDAPA 30.01.01, beginning on page 168.
The rules are open for public comment through July 25, 2018. Anyone may submit written comments regarding the ICfL’s proposed rules to me via email, fax, U.S. mail, or hand-delivered to the ICfL’s Boise office at 325 W. State Street.
The ICfL’s complete address, fax, and my email are:
Ann Joslin, State Librarian
Idaho Commission for Libraries
325 W. State St.
P. O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83702
FAX: (208) 334-4016 Email:
I am happy to answer any questions you may have about these proposed changes. Please feel free to contact me by phone, fax, or email.
Phone: (208) 334-2150 x4166
FAX: (208) 334-4016
Again, the deadline for public comment is July 25, 2018. Thank you.