Continuing Education Training Information
Join us for one or two online trainings on adaptive programming and collection development in libraries. These free trainings will be presented by Jen Taggart, creator of Adaptive Umbrella and Youth Services Department Head at the Bloomfield Township Public Library in Michigan. This two-part training will include:
- Part 2: “Sensory Story Time: Engaging Youth of All Abilities” on Wednesday, May 1 from 1:00 – 2:15 MTD via Zoom
“One size does not fit all when it comes to library story times that are inclusive of youth with disabilities and/or diverse sensory needs. During this interactive workshop, we will discuss the 8 primary sensory systems, what sensory-friendly programming is, and who the intended audience is. A special focus to include outdoor programming considerations and passive activities. Attendees will learn how to plan in person story times that are accessible and inclusive of youth with sensory integration difficulties, using gentle multi-sensory engaging tools and techniques, sensory-friendly best practices, and other adaptive methods. Story time setup, example program plans, program scenarios, discussion activities, and digital resource handouts will be provided.”
Register at:
Registration deadline: Monday, April 29, 2024
(See event post for April 25 for Part 1 of this training).
Please note:
- This training is geared towards youth services library staff, though adult services, managers, and other library staff positions will benefit and gain useful knowledge from these trainings.
- Library staff may participate in Part 1 (April 25) or Part 2 (May 1) or both trainings! Note the trainings are NOT repeats of the same info.
- Each workshop training will be recorded, and the recording will be available to Idaho library staff for 90 days following the training date.
- The first 60 Idaho library staff to register and participate in at least one accessibility workshop will receive 1 copy of the following professional development book from ICfL after the webinar: Library Programming for Autistic Children and Teens, 2nd Edition (2021), by Amelia Anderson (limit 1 book per participating library branch).
Questions? Contact Kristina Taylor, Outreach & Family Engagement Consultant.