Idaho Learning Partnership Grant
Through the Idaho Learning Partnership Grant, 10 rural Idaho libraries have received grant funding to assist adult learners in their communities. The grant is a collaborative effort among the Lumina Foundation, the Office of the State Board of Education (OSBE), and the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICfL).
The goal of the grant is to better meet the needs of adult learners, especially veterans. For this initial grant, Idaho counties with a high percentage of veterans were identified, and public libraries in those counties were eligible to apply for the grant.
The available grant amounts were between $1,780 and $8,000 each. All 10 libraries received the grant amount requested. The grantees are: Boise Basin District Library (Idaho City); Camas County Public Library (Fairfield); Challis Public Library; Clearwater Memorial Public Library (Orofino); Community Library Network, Pinehurst; Elk River Free Library District; Emmett Public Library; Glenns Ferry Public Library; Grangeville Centennial Library; and the Osburn Public Library.
Grant funds will be used in a variety of ways, such as: to purchase equipment, including computers, mobile hotspots, and devices for adult learners; events and promotional efforts; educational programming (including training or classes); library resources or technology; to enhance or establish partnerships; to increase a library staff member’s hours; or to contract with someone to help with goals related to college and career readiness.
Through the Idaho Learning Partnership Grant, the libraries will increase access to high-quality education for veterans and adults and support economic development in their communities.
The Idaho Learning Partnership Program positions rural libraries to have current, relevant information about such topics as online classes, degrees, financial aid, and transfer credits available in a friendly, supportive environment. See also the ILP resources at Boise State University.
The ICfL hosts a series of 90-minute online training sessions about the grant, which include project updates and additional resources for the grantees.
Online sessions:
- Introduction to the grant process with Q & A time [watch recording]
- Higher Education in Idaho
- Overcoming student barriers to enrollment and completion
- Connecting Veterans with resources
- Connecting community members with employment resources
Attending the webinars (either live or watching the recordings) is a grant requirement. Participating libraries track the approximate number of veterans and adults they reach with college and career and workforce development information, report on local partnerships, and host at least two events to promote the program, one in their library and one outreach event, partnering with a local community group or organization. Due to concerns about COVID-19, we realize these events may be very small, even one-on-one, or convened virtually.
Online resources for Higher Education Connectors and Adult Learners
- NextSteps Idaho
- Future Finder
- JobScape
- Workforce Development in Libraries libguide
- Idaho Learning Partnership Librarian Resources (BSU): Schools, state orgs, social media toolkit, ILP logo
If you have questions about any aspect of this pilot program, please contact Stephanie or Roger at 1-800-458-3271.