Scoop subscribers – today’s issue is chock-full of ideas from others around the state, grant opportunities, new books you might not know about, a profile of Coeur d’Alene High School Media Specialist Kiersten Kerr, and much more. We hope you’ll open this issue and read through the articles.

This week we took at look at the stats on how many subscribers are opening the issue and it showed only about 40 percent took a look at the last issue?! We’d like to see that number increase so we’ve put together a survey should gives us some information to make The Scoop more useful for you. If you have ideas for improvements to format, content, etc. we will take those suggestions to heart and look at making some changes in 2013. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions at The survey is open until December 18.

Brought to you by ICfL’s Read to Me program

Click on the attachment below to catch the latest Scoop

Nov30ScoopSbai.pdf 800.51 KB