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Throughout the fall/winter of 2023-2024, the ICfL in partnership with Library Strategies, will be offering a series of webinars focused on the various aspects of library facility improvements and capital projects, with a specific focus on public libraries and rural communities. Whether you are a library just starting your building journey or are already in the middle of construction, there will be something for everyone!

These webinars are free and open to Idaho’s entire library community, however registration is required. We will also be recording all the webinars and posting them on our website for future access (no registration required to access the recordings).

Webinar #5 – Construction Administration

Date/Time: February 1, 10am MT/9am PT

Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xqgdqei4Rl6dDxh-84kEgQ#/registration

Description: While construction is ongoing, library leadership plays a critical oversight role. Among other responsibilities, directors should be prepared to liaise regularly with contractors, monitor timetable and budget, and provide guidance in the face of construction setbacks. Under certain conditions, the director may consider deputizing or hiring a project manager. This webinar will cover these and other considerations through the lens of small and rural libraries.

This webinar is made possible through funding from the US Treasury Department’s Capital Project Funds (CDFA # 21.029 CPF).

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