When: 1st Thursday of each month at 2pm MT/ 1pm PT
Where: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83383712444?pwd=RjZOYmZ1SlYvM0x0VGtrb0RpdUs5UT09
(See below for link to download a reoccurring Outlook calendar appointment)
What: This is an optional standing meeting for any libraries who are interested in telehealth, or community partners who are interested in working with libraries in the area of telehealth. All libraries are welcome to attend at any stage of their telehealth journey, from those exploring if telehealth is a good fit for their library, to those who have fully functional telehealth programs up and running.
The purpose of this meeting is to promote networking and cross sharing amongst libraries and to provide a standing opportunity to check in with ICfL staff for technical assistance and support.
On occasion, we may also have guest speakers and experts from the healthcare world in attendance as well. Updates on specific guests and topics will be sent out as needed via the libidaho list serve. If you have a request or suggestion for guest speakers or topics, please send them to Amelia (contact info below).
For questions, please contact Amelia Valasek at amelia.valasek@libraries.idaho.gov or (208) 639-4138.
Microsoft Office users can download the re-occurring .ics calendar invite here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZcuf-qvrzkuHtAcwrjjwTS1-plkPUB2NZ_X/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGrrTMpHdWXtB2DRpwqA4qgb-3zmHpbgrd8nwj3CSpEVjCne_JOOYJKMor-